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词汇 一笔钱
例句 For the first time the government's actually put some money up front.这是政府有史以来第一次预付了一笔钱He had sought to obtain payment of a sum which he had claimed was owed to him.他声称别人欠他一笔钱,他在想方设法讨要回来。That hi-fi looks as though it cost a lot of money.那套高保真音响看起来得花很大一笔钱My wife would receive a guaranteed lump sum in the event of my death.倘若我死了,我妻子将保证能得到一次性付清的一笔钱You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lump sum.你定期支付保险费,而保险公司则会一次性给你一笔钱作为回报。He offered me a sum of money to redress the harm he had done me.他表示要给我一笔钱,以赔偿他对我造成的伤害。I'd pay her a lot of money to organize my life for me.我愿意付她一笔钱帮我把我的生活安排好。They gave him a one-shot payment to compensate for the extra hours that he had to work.他们一次性支付给他一笔钱作为他必须加班的补偿。She whoops with delight at a promise of money.她因为有可能获得一笔钱而高兴得大叫。We should give him a sum of money in respect of the work he has done.我们应给他一笔钱作为他的工作报酬。She'll come into quite a lot of money when her father dies.她爸爸死后,她将继承很大一笔钱I've got a reasonable amount of money saved.我攒了不少的一笔钱He expects to spend a similar amount on getting his daughter through college.他估计要花上差不多数额的一笔钱让女儿读完大学。The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide.兄弟几个每个月凑一笔钱,请了一个家庭护理。They all pitched in and the money was collected within a few days.他们都出了钱,几天内就筹集到一笔钱There is a tidy sum in the account I opened for you.我给你开立的账户里有很大一笔钱She inherited some money from her mother.她从母亲那里继承了一笔钱He needs that amount of money to survive.他需要那样一笔钱以生存下去。Tom thought that a rise in the market would enable him to cash in.汤姆认为市价上涨他就可以赚到一笔钱Three years ago, we took out a loan to buy our car and we're still paying it off.三年前我们借了一笔钱购车,目前仍在还款中。The court awarded her an unspecified amount of money.法庭判给她一笔钱,数目不详。He asked me to give him another loan, but I refused.他让我再借给他一笔钱,我拒绝了。The publishers have paid me an advance.出版商已给我预付了一笔钱It might cost a bundle to get out of a lease early.提前解除租约要付很大一笔钱She kept a stash of money for emergencies.她存了一笔钱,以备不时之需。He deceived the council into giving him money.他骗了委员会一笔钱He repaired the motorcycle and resold it for a profit.他把摩托车修好后转售,赚了一笔钱How in Heaven's name could they raise a sum like that?天哪,他们怎么才能筹集到这么一笔钱呢? Instead of paying him a regular pension, they gave him a lump sum when he retired.他们不是定期给他养老金,而是在他退休时一次付了他一笔钱She earns obscenely large amounts of money.她赚了多得离谱的一笔钱I desperately need to lay my hands on some money by Monday.星期一之前我急需弄到一笔钱He stashed away enough money to pay for his son's college expenses.他存了一笔钱,足以供儿子读大学用。His main occupation is to sock away a fortune for himself.他主要是忙着给自己存一笔钱She made a withdrawal from her checking/savings account.她从活期/储蓄账户中取了一笔钱Jason had helped him out with a loan, until he could get back on an even keel.贾森借了一笔钱给他,在他重新走上正轨之前帮他渡过了难关。I owe them a debt that cannot easily be repaid.我欠他们一笔钱,不容易偿还。He was given a sum of money to cover his travel expenses.他得到一笔钱以支付差旅费。At that time a colour television could only be obtained by paying a considerable premium.当时彩色电视机要加付相当一笔钱才能买到。The house was transformed at great expense.花了很大一笔钱翻修房子。When George inherited some money, the first thing he did was to pay his creditors.乔治继承了一笔钱后,他做的第一件事就是还钱给债主。




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