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词汇 一篮
例句 She is picking over a basket of oranges.她正在拣选一篮橘子。We sent over a card and a basket of fruit.我们送过去一张卡和一篮水果。Mary came up to me, carrying a basket of apples.玛丽提著一篮苹果向我走来。The room is full of baskets of picked cotton.房里装满了一篮篮摘下来的棉花。At the same time the canoe-men raised baskets of fruit on hooked poles to the hands on the gangway.同时,小艇划手用带钩的杆子将一篮篮水果挑起来,递给舷梯上的船员。She carried a basket of groceries in one hand and a bulging carrier bag in the other.她一只手拎着一篮食品杂货,另一只手提着一个鼓鼓囊囊的购物袋。




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