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词汇 踪迹
例句 The boat sank without a trace.那艘船沉没了,没有留下一丝踪迹Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found.尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹Finally, and mysteriously, Hoffa disappeared without trace.最后,霍法毫无踪迹地神秘消失了。The tracks of mountain goats polka-dotted the dusty ridge.山羊的踪迹使土灰色的山脊上布满斑点。The hunters lost the tiger's trail in the middle of the jungle.猎人们在丛林中央找不到那只老虎的踪迹了。Rabbits betray their presence with fresh soil outside their burrow.兔子洞外面的新土暴露了它们的踪迹The skies are virtually devoid of birdlife.天空中几乎没有任何鸟的踪迹The police had been hot on the trail of the escaped prisoners, but then the trail went cold.警方一度快要抓到逃犯,可后来却找不到他们的踪迹了。The plants spread-eagled the state.这类植物的踪迹横跨全州。The search party had found no trace of the missing climbers.搜救队没有找到失踪登山者的踪迹Dinosaur tracks were found in the canyon.峡谷里发现了恐龙的踪迹The couple laid a false trail to escape the press photographers.为了逃避摄影记者,那对情侣假造了踪迹The men were casting about, trying to find the trail.这些人四处寻找,试图找到踪迹There's been no trace of my aunt and uncle.没有我姑姑、姑夫的踪迹She crouched down by the deer trail beside him, inspecting the hoofprints.她在他旁边鹿留下的踪迹前俯下身,仔细辨查起蹄印来。The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.该空域由雷达扫描以便发现敌机踪迹Wild camels roam across the country.全国各地都可见到野骆驼的踪迹They have blundered upon the trail of a gang of criminals.他们偶然发现了一伙罪犯的踪迹I had a quick look round for her.我在附近迅速寻找她的踪迹We have lost all trace of the climbing party missing since last Friday.我们已失去上星期五失踪的登山队的一切踪迹了。The hounds found the trail of the fox.猎犬发现了狐狸的踪迹Rescuers combed the hillsides but found no trace of the missing climbers.救援人员彻底搜查了山腰,但是找不到失踪登山者的任何踪迹I followed him, tracking him in the snow.我循着他在雪地里的踪迹跟着他。They failed to find any trace of the runaways.他们未能找到逃跑者的任何踪迹After the show, the audience deserts the Blackpool streets.演出结束后,观众从布莱克浦的大街上消失了踪迹




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