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词汇 赌博
例句 He used his inheritance to indulge his vices of drinking and gambling.他挥霍遗产,沉湎于酗酒、赌博的恶习之中。I strongly disapprove of any form of gambling.我坚决反对任何形式的赌博Most gamblers can ill afford their habit.大多数赌徒都承担不起赌博这个恶习所带来的后果。He won lots and lots of mun in the gambling club.他在赌博俱乐部赢得许许多多的钱。Everyone knows that you can't win at gambling because the odds are stacked in the dealer's favour.谁都知道赌博你是赢不了的,因为庄家占有明显优势。Donoghue was a heavy gambler and his betting was ruinous.多诺霍嗜赌成性,赌博令他倾家荡产。There's no skill in a game like roulette, it's all luck.轮盘等赌博没有技巧,全靠运气。You need to get your drinking/gambling/anger under control.你要管管自己酗酒/赌博/爱生气的毛病了。Daly is infamous for his gambling and drinking exploits.戴利因赌博和酗酒而声名狼藉。The star's cleancut image has been spoiled by accusations of gambling and drug-taking.这位明星被指控赌博和吸毒,使其整洁的形象受损。Gambling is a compost of greed, fear and nervous tension.赌博是贪婪、恐惧和神经紧张的混合物。He's been drinking and gambling heavily.他一直嗜酒,并且赌博成瘾。The mayor blew the whistle on gambling.市长下令取缔赌博There was little to do except gamble and drink beer.除了赌博和喝啤酒,几乎没什么事可做。They wanted to legalize gambling in their city.他们想使赌博在他们的城市合法化。He is involved in gambling and prostitution rackets.他涉入赌博和卖淫的非法生意。He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.他说,那些被指控与卖淫、赌博和吸毒有关的人一旦罪名成立就应该被驱逐出境。Most people visit Las Vegas to gamble their hard-earned money.大多数人去拉斯维加斯都是用他们辛苦挣得的钱赌博The subject of gambling has come up several times recently.赌博这个话题最近出现了好几次。To feed the compulsion the gambling addict borrowed heavily from everyone.赌博着迷的人为了满足不由自主的赌性而向每个人大量借钱。You can't hide your gambling any longer - the secret's out.你无法再隐瞒自己赌博的事了——这个秘密已经泄露出去了。Gambling filled up the horizons of their minds.他们的脑海里只有赌博There's nothing wrong with gambling as such , but it's best to do it in moderation.赌博本身没有什么错,但是最好适度。He spent all the money he made off gambling.他把赌博赢来的钱全花光了。He goes out gambling as soon as he gets his pay packet.他一拿到工资就出去赌博They were shooting dice in one of the bar's back rooms.他们在酒吧的一间密室里掷色子赌博They are in the back shooting craps/dice.他们在后面玩双骰赌博/掷骰子。Gallants gambled away a fortune at a sitting.时髦男士们一次赌博就要输掉一大笔钱。The King counted gambling as his favourite pastime, when he was not womanizing.在不玩女人的时候,赌博就是国王最喜爱的消遣。During the Depression many impoverished Negroes wrote policy in the hopes of winning sufficient money to feed their families.在大萧条时期,许多穷困的黑人经营抽彩赌博,以期赢得足够的钱来养家糊口。He says he's through with gambling. 他说他不再赌博了。He was already in debt through gambling losses.由于赌博老是输钱,他已处于欠债状态。He spent his fortune on horse racing.他把他的钱财全花在赛马赌博上了。He made a firm resolve to give up gambling.他下决心不再赌博He embezzled large amounts of money to finance his gambling.他挪用大量公款去赌博A percentage of each pot goes to the house.每场赌博中所下赌注的一部分落入赌场老板的腰包。Racing has always had a symbiotic relationship with betting.赛马与赌博之间向来存在着一种互利关系。The prince is known for his love of women, gambling, and booze.人所周知那位王子热衷于女人、赌博和喝酒。He squandered his money on gambling.他把金钱挥霍在赌博上。He preferred to make his money from honest work rather than from gambling.他宁愿脚踏实地工作,而不愿靠赌博赚钱。




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