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词汇 财物
例句 It was probably found by somebody from the village when they were picking over the ruins for spoils.这可能是村里人在废墟上搜寻财物时发现的。These schools are known to be vulnerable to vandalism.众所周知,这些学校的公共财物经常遭到蓄意破坏。People should be careful about their possessions and not leave them lying around.人们应该小心自己的财物,不要随便乱放。When danger threatens, collect your possessions and flee like the wind.有危险时,收拾好财物赶快离开。The household contents are covered by a separate insurance policy.家庭财物上了单独的保险。Employees who steal are dismissed automatically.盗窃公司财物的雇员理所当然会被开除。They could only watch in silence as their possessions were taken away.他们只能眼睁睁地看着自己的财物被拿走。Their most valuable belongings were locked in a safe in the bedroom.他们最贵重的财物锁在卧室的保险箱里。They packed all their belongings into the car and left the city that night.那天夜里,他们把自己所有的财物都装进车里,离开了这个城市。He caught a boy trying to pick his pocket on the bus.他在公交车上抓了一名企图扒窃他财物的男孩。They have no legal liability for damage to customers' possessions.他们对客户的财物损失不负有任何法律责任。We are working hand in glove with the police to recover the stolen property.我们正与警方密切合作,以找回失窃财物There's no vandalism, no graffiti, no rubbish left lying about.没有损害公共财物的行为,也没有涂鸦和随处丢弃的垃圾。A phone-call led to the recovery of the stolen property.一个电话便让被盗财物失而复得。He was stripped of his knighthood after he was convicted of stealing from the company.他被判定偷窃公司财物后被剥夺了骑士头衔。I don't have to worry about carting belongings all over the world.我不用操心把我的财物满世界运来运去。Beset by violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.这里充斥着暴力和蓄意破坏公共财物行为,是本市最乱的地区之一。He set to work harrying people for donations.他开始不停地游说人们捐赠财物The company cannot accept liability for loss or damage to a passenger's property.乘客财物若有损失,本公司概不负责。The boys have been charged with damaging school property.那些男孩子被指控破坏学校财物The looted property was restored and the chargé d'affaires was told that the soldiers responsible had been arrested.被劫财物已经物归原主,代办得知对此负有责任的士兵已被逮捕。Stories abound of vandalism and looting.破坏和抢劫财物的故事多得很。Some of the stolen property was discovered in an empty warehouse.其中一些被盗走的财物被发现藏在一个空置的仓库里。Few of their possessions were salvaged from the fire.他们的财物从这场火灾中抢救出来的很少。A person is guilty of theft if he or she dishonestly obtains property.一个人如果以不诚实的手段获取财物,那就是犯了偷盗罪。He packed up the possessions he had and moved out.他收拾好自己的财物后就搬走了。Make sure you insure your home contents for an adequate amount.千万要给家里的财物上足保险。The teenagers say they've all gotten a bum rap because one person damaged some property.这些青少年说因为有一个人损坏了一些财物,导致他们所有人都背上黑锅。He gave substantial donations to charity.他为慈善事业捐赠了相当多的财物The Constitution forbids unreasonable searches and seizures.宪法禁止不合理搜查和没收财物Your insurance company will need a full description of the stolen property.你的保险公司会要一份被盗财物的详细说明。Her possessions could fit in one suitcase.她的全部财物可以装在一个手提箱内。Soldiers divided the plunder among themselves.士兵们将掠夺来的财物瓜分了。They would rob the bodies of those struck down in battle.他们会偷盗战死沙场者身上的财物People had lost their homes and all their possessions.人们失去了自己的家园和所有的财物The management handed back his few possessions.管理部门把他仅有的那点财物还给了他。In prison they'd taken away all his possessions.在监狱里,他们夺走了他所有的财物Vandals were guilty of the wanton destruction of the school property.破坏分子的罪行是肆意破坏学校的财物We are happy to donate to bona fide charitable causes.我们很乐意为真正的慈善事业捐献财物Touch a man's property and his passions are immediately aroused.要是动了一个人的财物,那他会立刻变得异常激愤。




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