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词汇 backwards
例句 I glanced backwards over my shoulder to see if anyone was following me.我转过头看是否有人在跟踪我。City officials bent over backwards to help downtown businesses.市政府官员竭力帮助发展城区的商业。She pushed me and I fell backwards into the chair.她推了我一下,我便往后倒在椅子上。We leant over backwards to make sure that candidates from minority groups were given a fair chance.我们竭尽全力确保来自少数派团体的候选人得到公平的机会。People travel backwards and forwards to and from London.人们来来回回出入伦敦。He let go without warning me and I fell backwards.他没说一声就松了手,害得我仰天摔了一跤。Your skirt is on backwards.你的裙子前后穿反了。Take two paces forwards/backwards.向前/向后迈两步。The recoil of the gun sent him flying backwards.炮的后坐力把他向后弹了出去。The boy was thrown backwards against a tree by the power of the blast.男孩被气浪的威力向后甩去,撞在一棵树上。We bent over backwards to finish it on time.我们拼命地干,要把它按时完成。He walked backwards, glancing constantly over his shoulder.他后退着走,不断地回头瞥一眼。Draw the floss backwards and forwards between the teeth.将牙线在齿间来回拉动。She gently rocked the baby backwards and forwards.她轻轻地前后摇晃着婴儿。He gave her a hard push which toppled her backwards into an armchair.他用力推了她一下,她就向后跌坐在一把扶手椅里。Then she fell over backwards into the flowerbed - it was absolutely classic!然后她仰面倒进了花坛——真是太滑稽了!The patient was slipping backwards.患者病情每况愈下。With these new weaker pollution controls, the government seems to be moving backwards.出台这些更为不得力的控制污染的新措施,政府似乎在倒退。I spent days walking backwards and forwards between the boss's office and my own.我有好几天时间都在老板办公室和我自己的办公室之间来回穿梭。The third wave was so strong it knocked me backwards.第三回浪太大,把我冲得连连后退。He overbalanced and fell backwards on to a coffee table.他站立不稳,朝后倒在茶几上。Keeping your back straight, swing one leg backwards.挺直腰背,一条腿向后摆动。The wind knocked him backwards.风吹得他往后退。He lost his balance and fell backwards.他失去平衡,向后倒去。She hit him so hard that he reeled backwards.她出手太重,打得他朝后打了个趔趄。Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.政府加强对企业的干涉将是一种倒退。Everyone bent over backwards to try to make them feel at home.每个人都竭尽所能,努力让他们觉得舒适自在。He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.他轻轻地前后晃动摇篮。The shuttle moves backwards and forwards through the warp.梭子在经线中来回移动。I asked about one or two things that interest me and she really did know it all backwards.我问了一两样我感兴趣的东西,她的确都了如指掌。People are bending over backwards to please customers.人们正使出浑身解数取悦顾客。Sarah fell backwards in the snow.萨拉向后跌倒在雪地里。He got him in a clinch and bent him over backwards.他一把揪住他,把他身体向后弯下去。The changes that have been introduced are being seen as a step backwards.引入的这些变化被视为一种倒退。In some countries living conditions improved; in some they went backwards.生活条件在某些国家里有所改善,在某些国家里却越来越差了。Travelling backwards and forwards everyday cost him too much money.每天来回花了他太多的钱。Stepping backwards, Harry trod on the foot of the woman behind him.哈里向后退时,踩着了身后一名女子的脚。You silly boy, you put your shirt on backwards.你这傻孩子,衬衫穿反了。He just released his hold and toppled slowly backwards.他刚一松开手就缓缓向后倒下。The man tumbled over backwards.那个人向后摔倒了。




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