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词汇 daily
例句 I need my daily fix of coffee.我要每天都喝咖啡才行。The barracks were inspected daily.营房每天有人检查。She stays/keeps in shape by exercising daily and eating well.为了保持良好的身材,她每天锻炼,合理饮食。A market is held daily in the town square.在镇广场上每天都有集市。Eat a sensible diet and exercise daily.饮食要得当,每天锻炼身体。I get exhausted just by the daily round.每天的例行工作就已经让我筋疲力尽了。Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account.利息每日结账计算,直接存入账户。Horses are creatures of habit and like to have a daily routine.马是受习惯支配的动物,喜欢每天都做一样的事。The boxer exercised daily in preparation for the fight. 拳击手每天练习,为比赛做准备。The Web site is updated daily. 网站每天都进行更新。Sometimes she would try out different routes to relieve the monotony of her daily journey.有时她会走不同的路线,以调剂每天走同一条路带来的单调感。The book provides a wealth of detail on daily life in ancient China.这本书大量描述了中国古代日常生活的细节。She needs to be given a daily dose of the medicine.这种药她需要每天用一定的剂量。Noise pollution is a daily diet in big cities.在大城市,噪声污染是家常便饭。Bank robberies, burglaries, and muggings are reported daily in the press.每天都有媒体报道银行劫案、入室盗窃和拦路抢劫。He commuted daily between London and Surrey.他每天乘车往返于伦敦与萨里郡之间。There will be a fifth daily flight to Geneva at weekends.每日飞日内瓦的航班在周末将增至五次。The stores will be open daily except Sundays.这些商店除了星期天每天都营业。The team are put through a daily fitness programme.这支队伍被安排进行每日的健身锻炼。The beautiful gardens offer a refuge from the stresses of daily life.这些漂亮的公园提供了一个躲开日常生活压力的避难所。She draws spiritual sustenance from daily church attendance.她每天去教堂做礼拜以获得精神寄托。There has been little if any change in her daily routine.她的日常生活没多少变化。The toll of bankruptcies was rising daily.倒闭的公司与日俱增。She changed up her daily routine.她改变了自己的日常生活。The company changes its Web site on a daily/weekly basis. 这家公司每天/每周更改网页。The menu changes daily, though the speciality is seafood.菜单每天都变,不过特色菜是海鲜。The weather alters almost daily.天气几乎一日一变。Robberies and home invasions are grim facts of daily life.抢劫和侵入民宅都是日常生活中令人难以接受的事情。The menu changes daily.菜谱每天都有变化。She felt the need to break out of her daily routine.她觉得必须从日常事务中解脱出来。The daily tariff includes accommodation and unlimited use of the pool and gymnasium.每天的费用包括住宿以及不限时使用游泳池和健身房。Does such an attitudinal change reflect real experiences in daily life?人生观的这种转变是否反映了日常生活中的真实遭遇?She says that daily exercise has set her up to face the challenges of getting old.她说每天运动有助于她应对年龄增长带来的挑战。A priest celebrates Mass at the church daily.神父每天在教堂举行弥撒。Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.即使是深度遗忘症患者通常也能记得怎样进行日常活动。They are open outside normal daily banking hours.它们在银行正常营业时间以外开放。The daily grind of meetings and tutorials went on.每天都是单调乏味的会议和辅导课。The city's daily papers splashed the news of his arrival across their front pages.全市的日报在第一版以显著地位报道他的到达。It is through risk-taking that any businessman earns his daily bread.任何一个商人挣得其生活所需都是要承担一定风险的。She struggles to meet the daily needs of her children.她竭力满足孩子们的日常需求。




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