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词汇 daft
例句 It was a pretty daft idea anyway.不管怎么说这都是一个非常愚蠢的想法。George is daft about some woman in his office.乔治对他办公室的某个女子爱得神魂颠倒。He's got a daft sense of humor.他有种傻里傻气的幽默感。He's not so daft as to listen to rumours.他还没有蠢到听信谣言的地步。Well you shouldn't have drunk so much, should you, you daft bugger!你本不该喝这么多酒的,对吧,你这笨家伙!That's a daft question.那是一个愚蠢的问题。Go out in this rain? You must be daft.下这样的雨还要出去? 你真是有病。She's as daft as a brush, honestly she is.她真的是好傻好傻。I think it's a daft idea.我认为这是个愚蠢的主意。Don't be daft - let me pay - you paid last time.别傻了——我来付钱吧——上次你付过了。Your idea seems a bit daft to me.在我看来你的主意似乎有点蠢。He's a nice enough boy, but he's as daft as a brush.他人不错,就是太蠢。The professor is perfectly nice but she's daft as a brush.这位教授人很好,但她就是过于迂腐。She looked at us as if we'd gone daft.她看着我们,似乎觉得我们都疯了。His genre is sci-fi fantasy, leavened with daft, yet deft, humour.他的作品属于科幻小说,但文中不乏拙朴而机巧的幽默。Billy's daft about football.比利酷爱足球。Don't be daft! Of course you're not too old to go clubbing.别犯傻了!你当然还没有老得不能去夜总会了。Is this another of your daft ideas?这又是你的傻主意吗?I can lose a few pounds without resorting to daft diets.我不用疯狂地节食也能减轻几磅。He's daft about football.他痴迷足球。I'm not daft you know. I do remember what it's like to be young.你知道我没疯。我确实还记得年轻是什么样的。The kids were driving me daft with their constant noise.那些孩子不停的吵闹声让我烦透了。What a daft thing to say!这话多傻!




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