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词汇 豪华
例句 The rooms within were richly furnished.里面的房间陈设豪华First everyone ate a grand feast.首先,每人都吃了一顿豪华大餐。Rates are higher for deluxe accommodations.豪华间收费较高。He asked me to lunch at a fancy French restaurant.他请我到一家豪华法国餐馆吃午饭。They lead a spartan life, with very few comforts and no luxuries.他们过着相当简朴的生活,没有舒适豪华的设施。The room was warm, sweet-smelling, and luxurious.房间里温暖芳香,布置得很豪华Harry took me to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary.哈里带我去一家豪华餐厅,庆祝我们的结婚纪念日。Visitors are often surprised by the opulence of the bank's offices.来访者常常惊讶于这家银行办公室的豪华She's set her mind on having a big posh wedding.她一心要举行一个大排场的豪华婚礼。A fancy hotel is not necessary; I'd be content with a warm meal and a clean place to sleep.豪华宾馆就不必了。能吃上一顿热饭,有个干净地方睡觉,我就满足了。We stayed in a fancy Victorian hotel in San Francisco.我们住在旧金山市一家豪华的维多利亚风格的酒店里。All our luxury bedrooms have a private bath.我们所有的豪华卧房都带有独立的卫生间。The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished.房间装饰得十分豪华雅致。We sat in the opulent surroundings of the Ritz Hotel.我们坐在丽兹酒店豪华舒适的环境里。It was a regal banquet.那是一个豪华的宴会。These trains are so luxurious that you can end a long journey feeling positively refreshed.这几列火车豪华舒适,旅客经长途旅行之后会得到充分的休整。As birdhouses go, this was certainly a luxurious residence.就鸟笼而言,这个可算是相当豪华的了。 I felt out of place at such a high-class party.参加这种豪华宴会我感到不自在。There's a staff canteen for everyone and there's a smarter restaurant for the chosen few.有一个为大家开放的员工餐厅,还有一个更豪华的餐厅专门招待为数不多的几位享受特别待遇的人。A white cane sofa is sumptuously upholstered in gold taffeta and purple velvet.白藤沙发上配有金色塔夫绸和紫色天鹅绒制成的沙发垫,显得豪华而精致。In the lounge hung long curtains of luxurious deep red velvet.休息室里挂着豪华的深红色丝绒长窗帘。Our glamping holidays provide all the fun and outdoor lifestyle of camping with just a little more luxury.我们的舒适露营假期既提供所有露营的乐趣,又多一点豪华享受。The royal family lives in state.王室过着豪华的生活。We were treated to a royal feast.我们被招待享用豪华宴席。We were ushered into a sumptuous dining hall.我们被领进一个豪华的餐厅。It's not a luxurious apartment by any means but it's livable in.这套公寓虽够不上豪华,但很适合居住。For much the same price as a flat in London, you can buy a luxury home in Barnsley.伦敦一套公寓的价格,在巴恩斯利可以买一个豪华的住所了。That hotel was put on the highlife map.那家酒店以豪华闻名。You've been living the high life recently, haven't you! You're always going out to clubs and fancy restaurants.你最近过得很豪华啊!出入的都是俱乐部和高级餐厅。We stayed at a deluxe hotel.我们住在一家豪华宾馆。An old movie palace is being restored.一家豪华的老电影院正在修复中。We stayed in a fancy hotel near the Champs-Élysées.我们住在香榭丽舍大街附近一家豪华的酒店里。You'd think a fancy restaurant like this would have better service.你会以为像这样的豪华餐馆会有更好的服务。By supercar standards, though, it is not extravagantly priced for a beautifully engineered machine.然而以豪华跑车的标准看,设计如此精美的汽车价格并不算太高。It was far better than vegetarian offerings in many a posh restaurant.它比许多豪华餐馆里的素食菜品好得多。He celebrated his birthday at a glitzy party in Beverly Hills.他在贝弗利山为自己举办了一个豪华铺张的生日宴会。You won't find any really luxurious accommodations, but there are adequate hotels and guest houses.你不会找到任何很豪华的住宿,但是宾馆和小旅馆有很多。Anna was speechless. She had never seen such luxury before.安娜惊讶得话都说不出来了,她以前从没见过这么豪华的场面。It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat.那个活动房被形容为宽敞豪华,可事实上几乎连转身的地儿都没有。Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner.豪华的家具陈设说明了主人的财力。




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