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词汇 课间休息
例句 The children ran around the playground at recess, letting off steam.孩子们课间休息时在操场上到处奔跑,宣泄过剩的精力。 The students play outside after lunch and at/during recess.学生午饭后和课间休息时在户外玩耍。The bell went for the break.课间休息铃响了。You'll have to stay in at playtime today, because it's raining.今天课间休息时你们得呆在室里,因为外面正在下雨。I believe kids need more recess time.我认为小孩需要更多的课间休息时间。Come and see me at break, Tom.汤姆,课间休息时来见我。We were talking about it at break.我们课间休息时在谈论这事。I had to see my teacher during recess.课间休息时,我只得去见了老师。He wouldn't play with me at recess.课间休息时不愿跟我玩耍。The children played kickball during recess.孩子们在课间休息时玩踢球游戏。Do you have morning recess?你们上午有课间休息吗?They always play together during break.他们课间休息时总在一起玩。Her favorite things at school are music and recess.她在学校最喜欢的是音乐课和课间休息I would watch the children playing at recess among the groves.我常常看那些小朋友于课间休息时在小树丛间玩耍。During recess, the children had a snowball fight. 课间休息时,孩子们打起了雪仗。I left our school yard at recess and ran home.课间休息时,我离开学校跑回了家。




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