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词汇 Babies
例句 Babies with Eisenmenger Syndrome often have a hole between the two pumping chambers of the heart.患有艾森门格综合征的婴儿的两个心室之间通常有一个洞。Babies can wear you out with their constant crying.婴儿不断啼哭,能把人折腾得筋疲力尽。Babies like to gnaw hard objects when they're teething.婴儿在长牙时喜欢啃咬硬物。Babies are always spitting their food out.婴儿总是把食物吐出来。Babies are always bumping their heads.婴儿总是会碰到头。Babies spend a good part of the day sleeping.婴儿一天内有大量时间都在睡觉。Babies need constant care.婴儿时刻都需要人照看。Babies bring out the woman in her.婴儿唤起了她身为女人的柔情。Babies have milder colds than older members of the family.婴儿的感冒比家里的年长者要轻一些。Babies and young children need mothering.婴幼儿需要母亲的呵护。Babies will start to take solids at about six months of age.婴儿在约六个月大时开始食用固体食物。We had some Beanie Babies last week but now we're all out.我们上周有一些豆宝宝毛绒玩具,但现在脱销了。Babies often wake because they are hungry.婴儿醒来常常是因为饿了。Babies like bold colours.婴儿喜欢醒目的颜色。Babies’ bottles can be sterilized simply by boiling them in water.奶瓶放在水里煮就能消毒。Babies should never be overclothed.绝对不应给婴儿穿衣过多。Babies make her go all gooey.婴儿总使她疼惜得不得了。Babies are born with monstrous deformities.这些婴儿天生就有怪异的畸形。Babies like toys that make a noise when they're shaken.婴儿喜欢摇晃时能发出声响的玩具。Babies need a lot of sleep.婴儿需要大量睡眠。Babies lose heat much faster than adults, and are especially vulnerable to the cold in their first month.婴儿散热比成年人快得多,在出生后的头一个月特别容易感冒。Babies are playful and alert when they first wake up.宝宝们刚醒的时候很爱玩,而且反应灵敏。Babies have a natural fear of falling.婴儿本能地害怕跌倒。Babies are entirely egocentric, concerned only with when they will next be fed.婴儿都是完全以自我为中心的,他们只关心下次什么时候喂他们。Babies know by instinct who their mother is.婴儿生来就知道谁是母亲。Babies have big heads in proportion to their bodies.与身体相比,婴儿的脑袋都大。Babies drool a lot when they are teething.宝宝长牙的时候爱流口水。Babies are the most difficult patients to remember. They all have the same tiny, unformed features which seem to stretch and change every five minutes.婴儿是最难记住的病号。他们那小小的五官都还没有发育成形,似乎每五分钟就会长大变化。Babies who sleep with their parents receive much more tactile stimulation than babies who sleep in a cot.婴儿和父母睡在一块儿比单独睡在婴儿床中能得到更多的触觉刺激。Babies of alcoholic mothers can be born with a severe degree of handicap.母亲酗酒,她们的婴儿可能一生下来就有严重的生理缺陷。Babies are born with very little control over their movements.婴儿出生时对自己的肢体运动几乎没有控制能力。




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