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词汇 baby
例句 His parents were absolutely delighted about the baby.他父母因为有这个宝宝而喜出望外。She gently reminded him that the baby was getting cold and should be taken indoors.她轻声提醒他宝宝冷了,应该抱回屋里了。She sat in a corner, singing softly to her baby.她坐在角落里,轻轻地给宝宝唱歌。The baby gripped my finger with her tiny hand.婴儿的小手紧紧握住我的手指。He wiped a dribble of juice from the corner of the baby's mouth.他擦掉了宝宝嘴角上的一滴果汁。The baby was born with a heart problem and only survived for a few hours.这个婴儿生下来就有心脏病,只活了几个小时。I can't wait to see their new baby.我急着要看他们的新生宝宝。He was unfortunate enough to lose his job just after his wife had a baby.他时运真够不济,妻子刚生完孩子他就失业了。He heard the baby crying and brought it some milk.他听见宝宝在哭,就拿了些牛奶来。We watched the baby to make sure that she was asleep.我们看了看婴儿,看她是否已经睡着。They took turns to look after the baby.她们轮流照顾那婴儿。Barbara held the tiny baby close and caressed his cheek.芭芭拉把小宝宝抱近了并抚摸他的脸颊。The egg cracked open and out came a baby chick.蛋壳裂开了,一只小鸡钻出来。The baby is still at nurse.这幼儿仍由褓姆照料。Petra could feel her unborn baby moving inside her.佩特拉可以感到胎儿在她腹中活动。She fed the baby some milk and changed its nappy.她给婴儿喂了点奶,换了尿布。You had to register a baby's birth within a month.你必须在一个月以内去登记孩子的出生。We were so thrilled to hear about the baby.听到那个婴儿的消息,我们非常激动。Her hair stuck to her forehead in baby rings.她的头发卷成一个个的幼儿式小圈贴在额上。It is very distressing to see your baby attached to tubes and monitors.看见自己宝宝身上连着各种管子和监视器,心里会非常痛苦。There are tests that can establish a baby's genetic endowment.有些测试可以测定婴儿的基因特性。Before buying the baby's car seat , make sure that it conforms to the official safety standards.购买婴儿车之前,要确保它符合官方的安全标准。Some mothers return to full-time work only a few weeks after their baby is born.有些母亲产后仅仅数周又开始了全日制工作。Taking the money would be like taking candy from a baby.拿走这些钱太容易了,如探囊取物。Looking after a baby really takes it out of you.照看婴儿会让人精疲力竭。Most authorities recommend letting the baby nurse whenever it wants.大部分权威人士建议婴儿想吃奶就随时吃。They put a notice in the press ordering the recall of all the baby food that might have been contaminated.他们在报上登了一则通知,下令收回所有可能受到污染的婴儿食物。The baby was delivered by a midwife.这孩子是助产士接生的。The baby was pink and chubby.这婴儿长得粉嘟嘟、胖乎乎的。She held a baby in her arms.她怀里抱着一个婴儿。Your baby is absolutely gorgeous!你的宝宝简直太漂亮了!Their two-month-old baby Ben was thriving.他们两岁大的孩子本当时正茁壮成长。Chester's absolutely thrilled with his baby daughter.切斯特生了个女儿,欣喜若狂。She laid the baby in her cot.她把婴儿放到小床上。I'm a product of the postwar baby boom.我出生在战后的生育高峰期。The baby lay peacefully asleep in its cradle.婴儿躺在摇篮里安静地睡着了。Don't be such a big baby!别那么孩子气!A new-born baby was found abandoned on the steps of a hospital yesterday.昨天,有人发现一个新生儿被人遗弃在医院的台阶上。There's not much precedent for men taking leave when their baby is born.男性因孩子出生而休假的先例不多。Our neighbour's baby cries morning, noon, and night.我们邻居家的婴儿从早到晚都在哭。




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