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例句 His actions do not assort with his promises.他的行动和他的诺言不一致。He fed their hopes with false promises.他许下虚假的诺言,让他们充满希望。The President redeemed his campaign promise. 总统履行了他竞选时许下的诺言She never made a promise that she didn't intend to keep.她从不许下自己不愿遵守的诺言He discharged his promise to work directly with the poor.他履行了直接与穷人一起工作的诺言I pledged myself to fulfil the promise I had made.我保证实践自己的诺言He makes a lot of promises, but there's no follow-through. 他许下很多诺言,却从不兑现。He has singularly failed to live up to his promises.他很明显没有履行自己的诺言He broke his promise. = He went back on his promise. 他违背了诺言A promise made under compulsion is of no force.被迫作出的诺言无效。Don't make promises you can't keep.不要许下不能兑现的诺言The government has broken its promise to reduce the size of the army.政府违背了它作出的裁军诺言He made good his promise.他履行了诺言There are even more broken promises with every change of government.每次政府更替就会出现更多未实现的诺言It wasn't the first time he'd broken a promise not to get drunk.这不是他第一次违背不喝醉酒的诺言了。The government has kept its promise to cut taxes, but this has meant cuts in services, too.政府遵守减税的诺言,但这也意味着削减服务。The brochures are breathy with promises.小册子里充满形形色色的诺言The Government has broken all its engagements.政府违背了它所有的诺言She lived up to her promises. 她实现了自己的诺言I'm sorry I doubted your word.对不起,我怀疑过你的诺言You must stand to your promise.你必须遵守诺言Yet again the management has failed to deliver on its promise to provide extra staff training.管理层再一次没有兑现它向员工提供额外培训的诺言Whether they can live up to their campaign rhetoric remains to be seen.他们是否能实践竞选时发表的冠冕堂皇的诺言尚待日后分晓。Despite his family's opposition, Jake stood by his promise to marry her.尽管遭到家人反对,杰克还是履行了娶她为妻的诺言She made hollow promises. 她许下了空口诺言He accused ministers of breaking election pledges to tighten up on immigration.他指责部长们没有兑现在竞选中许下的加强移民管制的诺言I stand by what I said during the campaign.我遵守竞选时的诺言We must stick to our promise whether or no.不管怎样,我们必须遵守诺言Had he lived up to his promise, he would have made a fortune in sponsorship money.要是他遵守了诺言的话,他本应该已经从赞助费中赚了一大笔钱了。He left a trail of broken hearts and broken promises.他留下了一串破碎的心和一大堆没有实现的诺言I absolve you from your promise to go.你答应去的,现在我同意你不受这一诺言的约束。The coup leaders have ignored their pledges to hold democratic elections.政变领导人背弃了他们进行民主选举的诺言She was apologetic for not keeping her promise.她对自己未能遵守诺言表示歉意。Election candidates frequently promise a lot more than they can deliver.竞选候选人往往许下许多诺言,大大超过了他们能够实现的数量。Political promises are often pie in the sky.政治诺言常常是不保证能够实现的。The paper says the Conservative Party promised zero inflation and has failed to deliver.报纸上说保守党承诺零通货膨胀率,但未能兑现诺言He ran out on his promise to help her.他背弃了自己帮助她的诺言The prospect of breaking her promise lay heavily on her mind.要违背自己诺言的事沉重地压在她的心头。How could a country rest its security on such promises?一个国家怎么能让自己的安全依赖这类诺言呢? He made good on his promise.他履行了诺言




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