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词汇 规定时间
例句 When you take the test, you'll have a time limit. 你需要在规定时间内完成测试。You have to finish the work within the given time.你们必须在规定时间内完成这项工作。The strike came after the negotiators ran out the clock.谈判超过了规定时间,罢工就爆发了。This notice requires the individual to remedy the contravention within a stated period.这条公告要求个人在规定时间内纠正违章行为。The speaker overran his time by ten minutes.演讲者超过规定时间十分钟。Most of the students completed the exam in the allotted time.大部分学生在规定时间内完成了考试。A time limit was set for a team to shoot at the basket.球队在规定时间内必须要投篮。His speech overran the time allowed.他的发言超出了规定时间The interview overran by fifteen minutes.那次采访超过规定时间十五分钟。You'll be in trouble if you get home after curfew.如果你超过规定时间回家会遇到麻烦的。The work must be done within the given time.工作必须在规定时间内完成。The right-to-work laws forbid employers and unions to enter into contracts that require workers to join the union within a specified period.劳工就业权保障法禁止雇主与工会订立协议,强求工人在规定时间内加入工会。Good show chaps, you completed the course in the time allowed.干得不错,小伙子们,你们在规定时间内修完了这门课程。The show ran a minute over. = The show ran over by a minute.那个节目超出了规定时间一分钟。




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