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词汇 to wear
例句 It's okay for men to wear moisturizer.男人可以擦保湿霜。Sheila broke her arm skiing and had to wear a cast.希拉滑雪时胳膊骨折了,只好打上石膏。I want my son to wear the same clothes as everyone else at the school.我想让儿子和学校里其他人穿得一样。Horses used for long-distance riding tend to wear their shoes out more quickly.用于长途跋涉的马更容易磨破铁掌。Individualists say that you should be able to wear what you want.特立独行者认为人应该想穿什么就穿什么。Our legislature passed a law requiring people to wear safety belts.我们的立法机关通过了一项法律,要求人们系安全带。It is better to wear out than to rust out.与其锈坏不如用坏;与其闲死不如忙死。I had to wear long sleeves to stop myself scratching.我只好穿上长袖衣服以免自己挠痒。It is essential to wear some form of eye protection.戴某种护眼套很有必要。Various inducements are offered to encourage employees to wear safety clothing.他们提供各种奖励以鼓励员工穿安全服。He had to wear a green gown and white mask like the doctors.他不得不像医生一样穿上绿色手术服,戴上白口罩。I have nothing but my old rags to wear.我什么也没有,只有旧衣服可穿。I have to wear my specs when I drive.我开车得把我的眼镜戴上。It's regulation to wear suits at the office.按规定在办公室要穿西服。The dress is too ostentatious to wear to a reception.这件衣服过于引人注目,不宜穿着去参加招待会。She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem.因为背部有毛病,她被建议穿平底鞋。It was fashionable for men to wear their hair long.男人留长发曾经很流行。He picked the blue tie to wear to the interview.他选择佩戴那条蓝色领带参加采访。She was too prissy to wear jeans.她过于讲究,从不穿牛仔裤。I will probably choose to wear jeans.我可能会选择穿牛仔裤。I'll try and rake out something for you to wear.我尽量找些东西给你穿。As a result of shrinkage, the shirt is now too small to wear.由于缩水,这件衬衫现在小得不能穿了。She likes to wear clothes that show off her figure.她喜欢穿显身材的衣服。He seemed to wear a carapace of hostility.他摆出一副敌对的架势。I was relying on my aunt to run up a new dress for me to wear to the party.我指望着姑姑为我赶制一件新裙子,聚会时穿。You're always saying you have nothing to wear, but you've got a whole closet full of clothes.你老是说没有衣服穿,可是你有满满一柜子的衣服。I want to wear something that will make me look like a no-nonsense professional.我想穿得看上去像是个严肃的专业人士。Wigs are hot and uncomfortable to wear constantly.头上老是顶着假发,又热又不舒服。The snag is that I have nothing suitable to wear.问题是我没有合适的衣服穿。Trust me - it's not comme il faut to wear a pink tie to a funeral.相信我——系粉色领带参加葬礼不合适。His charm is beginning to wear thin.他的魅力开始消失。I spent ages in town trying to find something to wear for the wedding.我在镇上逛了很长时间,想买在婚礼上穿的衣服。As a player, he likes to wear a jersey emblazoned with his team's insignia.作为一个球员,他喜欢穿刻记有他球队标识的球衣。Nowadays it's considered very uncool to wear fur.如今穿毛皮衣服被认为很落伍。Her standard excuse for being late was beginning to wear thin.她迟到时常用的那个借口已经开始不太管用了。You'll have to wear these - your other pants are in the wash.你只好穿这条,你其他的裤子正在洗。She had to wear a false nose for the role.为扮演这个角色,她必须戴一个假鼻子。A golden rule of sailing is to wear a life jacket.航行中最重要的就是要穿救生衣。He poked around in his closet for something to wear to the party.他在衣柜里翻找参加聚会的衣服。The effect of the continuous attacks has been to wear out his troops.接连不断的攻击就是要拖垮他的军队。




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