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词汇 towels
例句 All linens and towels are provided.提供全套日用织品和毛巾。She dabbed the baby softly dry with towels.她用毛巾把婴儿轻轻揩干。How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel launder their own every day at home?.希望在酒店里天天有干净毛巾用的客人,有多少会在家里每天洗烫自己的毛巾呢?Even the lavatory was luxurious, with a marble interior and soft, white hand towels.甚至连洗手间都是豪华型的,有大理石的内部装饰和柔软雪白的手巾。The kids left all their wet towels in a heap on the bathroom floor.孩子们把湿毛巾都堆在卫生间的地上。The service at the hotel was amazing. We even had fresh towels every morning.那酒店的服务真是好极了,我们甚至每天早上都有干净的毛巾使用。The towels were embroidered with their intertwined initials.毛巾上绣着他们姓名首字母的连写组合。They were having a special on paper towels so I stocked up.那时厚纸巾正在特价促销,所以我囤了一些。When you go upstairs, bring these towels with you.上楼时把这些毛巾带上。The boys were flicking each other with towels.那些男孩子用毛巾相互打闹。She dropped the towels into the laundry chute.她把毛巾投进了洗衣通道。I've put fresh towels in your room.我在你房间里放了新毛巾。Someone had bundled the wet towels into a big pile.有人把湿毛巾捆成了一大叠。Do you have some paper towels that I can wipe the floor with?你有没有我可以用来擦地板的纸巾?A scene was played in the baths, with all the men girded in towels and shrouded in steam.有一场戏在澡堂里上演,所有男人都裹着毛巾被蒸汽笼罩其中。The boys ran around the swimming pool, flicking each other with their towels.男孩们绕着游泳池追逐嬉闹,相互用毛巾甩打。I spread the towels over the radiator to dry.我把毛巾摊在暖气片上烘干。Sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths, towels and napkins are linens.床单、枕套、台布、毛巾及餐巾都是亚麻织品。The children have personalized towels with their names sewn in.孩子们各自的毛巾上都绣着自己的名字。Would you wring out these towels and hang them up to dry?你能否把这些毛巾绞干,再把它们晾起来?There are towels in the cabinet above the commode.抽水马桶上面的储藏柜里有毛巾。She busied herself getting towels ready.她忙着把毛巾准备好。They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.他们会一边聊天一边在阳台上啪啪地抖搂浴巾。She folded the towels tidily.她把毛巾整齐地叠好。It really gets me the way he leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor.我很讨厌他把湿毛巾扔在卫生间地上。Use paper towels to soak up the oil.用纸巾把油吸干。The towels are highly absorbent.这些毛巾很吸水。The waves at high tide washed our beach towels away.涨潮时的海浪把我们的沙滩浴巾冲走了。Has anyone else noticed that towels dry faster when you don't pile them in the middle of the floor?还有没有人注意到,毛巾不堆放在地板中央干得更快?She pulled a couple of rough brown paper towels out of the dispenser.她从纸巾盒里抽出几张粗糙的棕色纸巾。A large, free-standing bath and white towels invite total indulgence.一个独立式大浴缸和几条白毛巾令人不禁放松沉醉。The towels are on the thingy at the top of the stairs.毛巾在楼梯顶端的什么东西上面。Several towels hung over the side of the bath.几条毛巾搭在浴缸边。




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