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词汇 论点
例句 Philosophers use logic to prove their arguments.哲学家用逻辑推理来证明他们的论点I didn't get the drift of his argument.我没有听懂他论点的要领。The arguments were tedious and complicated.那些论点冗长而繁复。Their argument failed to persuade me.他们的论点没有使我信服。These are arguments that I've heard rehearsed at meetings many times before.这些论点都是我多次在会议上听到的老生常谈了。That proves my point.那证实了我的论点I think we can say without prejudice to our position that we must try to understand the arguments of all the factions involved.我认为我们可以在无损自己立场的基础上表明,我们必须设法理解所有有关派别的论点He advanced the thesis that too much choice was burdensome to people.他提出这样一种论点:选择太多对人是一种负担。This argument seems convincing, but is easily overturned.这一论点看似令人信服,却很容易被推翻。There is no evidence to support her contention.没有证据支持她的论点The Speaker did not interpose, and the Chancellor hurried on to another point of his argument.议长没有插话,财政大臣便赶紧转到他要说的另一个论点上了。He was unimpressed by/with their arguments.他对他们的论点没什么印象。Her arguments didn't convince everyone, but changes were made.她的论点不能说服所有的人,但还是引起了一些变化。The argument contained herein takes exactly the opposite point of view.此处的论点截然相反。His last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.他最后的论点是在声东击西,想让我们忘掉要点。Whatever specious arguments would silence an opponent.无论什么似是而非的论点都会使对手哑口无言。I thought that the points he was making came over quite clearly.我认为他提出的论点很容易理解。Some historians have been dismissive of this argument.一些历史学家对这一论点不屑一顾。His mind was assailed by conflicting arguments.他的头脑为互相矛盾的论点所困扰。Centralized government, so the argument goes, is too far removed from the problems of ordinary citizens.这种论点指出,集权政府不关心普通公民的困难。The whole basis for your argument is false.你的论点的整个依据都是错误的。Can you give some examples to support your argument?你能举几个例子来证实你的论点吗? He is a humorist, a phrasemaker and a paradoxer.他是位幽默大师,善于创造警句,发表似非而是的论点You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.你必须承认她论点的真实性。These arguments have never been universally accepted.这些论点从未得到普遍认同。He believes that his argument is on firm ground/footing. 他认为自己的论点有确凿的论据支撑。This argument is developed further in the next chapter.下一章将对这个论点作进一步的阐述。She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue.她被批评故意使用混淆主要问题的论点My head grew weary from trying to follow his arguments.努力让思路跟上他的论点使我非常疲倦。The argument is rather convoluted.这一论点令人颇为费解。There are irredeemable flaws in the logic of the argument.这些论点的逻辑存在无法弥补的漏洞。That is where his argument falls down.这是他论点的薄弱之处。I am not fully persuaded by these arguments.这些论点没有充分说服我。His arguments are still powerful, but I think they lose some impact in translation.他的论点依然强而有力,但我认为在翻译过程中它们丧失了部分影响力。I'd like to pick up the last speaker on one of the points she made.我想针对上一位发言者的一个论点提问。List the points in ascending order of importance.按照重要程度由低到高的次序列出这些论点The students discussed the proposition that man is basically good.学生们讨论了这么一个论点,即人性本善。A new point came into question.讨论到新的论点了。In your final paragraph, sum up your argument.在最后一段,归结一下你的论点Her argument doesn't hold water. 她的论点站不住脚。




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