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词汇 记者们
例句 Journalists were accused of sensationalizing the story and distorting the facts.记者们被指责对事件大肆渲染并歪曲事实。In the newsroom, reporters answer phones and click away at their computers.在新闻编辑室里,记者们或是在打电话或是忙碌地在计算机前敲打键盘。Journalists have exercised remarkable restraint in not reporting all the sordid details of the case.记者们对该案件的报道显示出异乎寻常的克制,没有披露所有肮脏的细节。The reporters found a more cooperative clerk.记者们找到了一个较愿配合采访的职员。Reporters dredged up the fact that the senator avoided the military draft.记者们又提起了这名参议员曾逃避服兵役的事。The reporters lobbed some easy questions at/to her. 记者们抛给她一些简单的问题。The journalists were firing questions at me for two whole hours.整整两个小时,记者们连珠炮似地向我发问。Journalists woke him with the news and all hell broke loose.记者们叫醒他,把消息告诉了他,顿时混乱爆发了。The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified.记者们最好花时间向我们说明为什么诉讼费高得惊人。After working in the war zone for a time, journalists become hardened to the violence and suffering.在战区工作一段时间之后,记者们对暴力和苦难已经习以为常。Reporters peppered him with questions.记者们连珠炮似地向他提了一连串问题。Journalists were frantically researching the new prime minister's background, family, and interests.记者们在疯狂地调查新首相的背景、家庭和爱好等。The reporters gave the politician quite a beating with all their hostile questions.记者们提出的那些尖锐问题是对那位政治人物的沉重打击。A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.一位国防部发言人向记者们简要介绍了情况。News of the decision filtered out to reporters.有关这个决定的消息慢慢传到了记者们那里。The reporters had no idea of the anguish they could inflict with only one sentence.记者们根本没想到他们只消一句话就会给人带来痛苦。The reporters wouldn't stop hounding her.记者们不停地烦扰她。The journalists are chafing under the strictures of the programme.记者们因受这一安排的约束而感到恼怒。Journalists surrounded her, furiously taking notes.记者们围着她,飞快地记着笔记。The reporters were satisfied with his quotable quote. That was copy enough.记者们对他那句可供引用的引语很满意,那够得上是新闻。The President exchanged banter with reporters.总统同记者们相互说着笑话。Reporters shot questions at the mayor.记者们连珠炮似地向市长发问。It's absurd for journalists to debase themselves in this way.记者们竟然用这种方式进行自贬,实在荒唐。Reporters are still trying to tease out the details of the accident.记者们还在努力挖掘事故的细节。Reporters continue to play a guessing game as they wait to hear her final decision. 在等待她做出最后决定期间,记者们继续做着各种猜测。Reporters tried to pin him down on the specific changes he wants to make to the tax laws.记者们竭力要他说明他想对税法做出的具体改变。Journalists received a stern warning not to go anywhere near the battleship.记者们受到严厉警告,不得靠近军舰。He had deliberately misdirected the reporters.他故意给记者们指错方向。Moore denied the accusation, but refused to answer other questions from the press.摩尔对该项指控予以否认,但是拒绝回答记者们提出的其他问题。The press has continued to hassle Roberts since the incident.自从那起事件以后,记者们就不断地烦扰罗伯特。Journalists are frustrated by his apparent greyness.他毫无个人魅力可言,这让记者们很失望。The senator fielded the reporters' questions.参议员回答了记者们的提问。He tracks better with reporters than did his predecessor.他与记者们相处比他的前任来得融洽。As soon as he appeared, reporters crowded round.他一出现就被记者们团团围住。The reporters were banished to another room.记者们被赶到另一个房间。Journalists were issued with passes.记者们获发了通行证。She spent a few minutes joking with reporters after giving her speech.演讲结束后,她和记者们说笑了一会儿。The statement criticized journalists for reading too much into what he had said about the war.这一声明批评了记者们对他所说的有关战争的话理解得过于牵强附会。The reporters were asked to fill out their stories.记者们被要求充实他们的新闻报道。Reporters dogged him for answers.记者们跟着他让他回答问题。




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