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General Motors will customize Cadillacs for special clients.通用汽车公司将为特殊顾客改装凯迪拉克汽车。The telephone company has offered to customize a plan for our business.电话公司提出为我们的企业定制一个方案。You can use the Control Panel to customize Windows.你可以使用控制面板对视窗进行自定义设置。Users can now customize keyboard short cuts.用户现在可以自定义键盘快捷键。We can help you to customize the look and feel of the interface for your particular business.我们可以帮你定制符合你商业活动的外观和感觉。Our research enables companies to customize and tailor products to suit individual tastes.我们的研究使诸公司有能力按照个人的喜好定制各式产品。 |