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例句 All chemical weapons facilities will be deactivated.所有化学武器设施都将进行处理使其失效The deal with Chelsea may not be dead.与切尔西的协议或许还没有失效This, of course, would nullify the effect of the move and merely accelerate inflation.这毫无疑问会使该举措完全失效,而仅仅只是加速通货膨胀。The drugs work well at first but gradually lose their effectiveness.这些药的效果起初非常好,但后来逐渐失效With the new federal law in place, the state law has become inoperative.新联邦法颁布后,州法律便失效了。It is worth remembering that previous wills are nullified automatically upon marriage.要记住的是,一旦结婚,原遗嘱自动失效The old regulations became inoperative when the new ones were issued.新规则公布后,旧规则随即失效Their actions rendered the contract null and void.他们的行动使合同失效This would nullify the effect of the move and merely accelerate inflation.这会使该举措完全失效,只加速通货膨胀。Your booking will automatically lapse unless you confirm it.如果不加以确认,您的预订将自动失效The lease has lapsed.这一租约已经失效The legislation has outlived its usefulness.这一法规已失效了。The grace period of two weeks after the expiration will end soon.失效后两周的宽限期很快就要满期了。You are not obliged to acknowledge spent convictions.你没有义务承认已经失效的判决。Alcohol negates the effects of the medicine. 酒精使药物失效The burglar used an electronic device to circumvent the alarm.窃贼用一个电子装置使警铃失效The law has outlived its usefulness. 这项法规已经失效Residents heard an enormous bang as a safety valve on the boiler failed.由于锅炉的安全阀失效,居民们听到了砰的一声巨响。Don't spoil your ballot by writing in the wrong place.别在不该写字的地方乱写使选票失效She didn't pay the premium and her life insurance policy lapsed.她未缴保费,人寿险保单失效了。Your credit card is no longer valid.你的信用卡失效了。Failure to report any changes in your situation may invalidate your insurance policy.如未能及时通报个人情况变动,保险单有可能因此失效He forgot to renew his driver's license, so it lapsed.他忘记更换驾照,因此驾照失效了。The contract was rendered ineffective by this careless wording.措辞不慎致使这份合同失效The law is no longer effective.该法令已失效The trade agreement was effectively nullified once the company was sold.一旦这家公司被售出,该贸易协议事实上就失效了。A contract signed now might be invalidated at some future date.现在签的协议在未来某一天可能会失效The production code has largely dissolved,partly because some producers have walked around it.这条生产规则基本上失效了,部分原因是由于一些生产者不照它办。




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