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She was trying to keep count of how many stations they'd passed.她在试着记下他们经过了多少个车站。The radio speaker talks too fast, and trying to report him is often discouraging.电台广播员语速太快,想要记下他的话往往很难。He always kept a small pocketbook with him to jot down any ideas that came to him.他总是随身带着一个小小的笔记本,随时记下自己的想法。I'm glad she had the presence of mind to take down the car's registration number.我很高兴她能镇定地记下车牌号码。On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight.早晨开始禁食前,记下你的体重。He took the speech down in shorthand.他用速记方式记下了演讲内容。He took down her speech.他记下了她的演说。A guard came and took our names and noted where each of us was sitting.一名警卫来记了我们的名字,还记下了我们每个人的座位。The police officer took a statement which was later used in evidence.警察记下了那个后来被用作证据的陈述。The witness had copied down the license plate number of the taxi the suspect used to get away.证人记下了嫌犯逃跑时乘坐的出租车的车牌号。History and tradition have not remembered their names.历史和传统都没有记下他们的名字。I put her name on the slip.我在纸条上记下了她的名字。Take down this number.记下这个号码。He dated the arrival of each new bird.每只新来的鸟的到达日期他都记下了。The police took down our addresses and phone numbers.警察记下我们的住址和电话号码。If anyone calls, take a message.如果有人打电话来,请记下留言。She had noted down the names and she told me the story simply and factually.她记下了那些名字,并且简单地给我讲了这件事的真实情况。Taking out a pen, she noted down the phone number.她拿出钢笔,记下了电话号码。Her diary entries for that month show how unhappy she was.从那个月记下的日记可以看出她是多么不开心。Did you get that down?你记下那个了吗?Record every expenditure you make.记下你的每一笔花销。Isabel noted the details in her diary.伊莎贝尔在她的日记本上记下了详细情况。Keep track of all your payments by writing them down in a book.在本子上记下你所有的付款项目。I had the date marked down in my diary.我在日记里记下了那次约会。Anything you say will be taken down, and may be used in evidence.你说的都会被记下,并有可能作为证词。We'll take names and phone numbers for a start, then later on we can get more details.我们先记下名字和电话号码,之后可以获取更多的细节。Steve kept a tally of the days he spent in prison by scratching marks on the wall.史蒂夫在墙上划痕,以记下他在狱中的天数。He recorded his musings in his diary.他在日记里记下了自己的沉思。My pencil was poised over the page, ready to take down her words.我的铅笔对准了本子,随时准备记下她的话。Did you take down the car's license number?你记下那辆车的车牌号了吗?She had her finger pressed to the page as if marking her place.她用手指压在书页上,仿佛要记下读到了什么地方。Keep a pad handy to jot down queries.手边放一个记事本,以便随时记下问题。I'll sign you out.我会记下你已离开。I turned down the top corner of the page to mark my place.我把那页上角折下来记下了位置。She had memorized every detail of his body.她记下了他身体的每个细节情况。The inspector dutifully recorded the date in a large red book.检查员认真地在一本大红册子上记下了日期。Let me jot down your number and I'll call you tomorrow.我记下你的号码,明天给你打电话。I've made a note of the book's title.我记下了书名。He jotted down the conceits of his idle hours.他记下了闲暇时想到的一些看法。Mark down everything you eat on your daily chart.在日记表上记下你吃的每样东西。 |