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词汇 alarming
例句 There's been an alarming increase in schoolyard violence.校园操场上的暴力事件剧增。Cholera is spreading through the refugee camps at an alarming rate.霍乱以惊人的速度在难民营中传播。Baggage seems to go missing with alarming frequency on these flights.这些航班的行李丢失频率似乎高得惊人。He marshalled alarming facts to support his argument.他组织整理了一些惊人的事实来支持他的论点。The disease has spread at an alarming rate.这种病以惊人的速度传播开来。The earth's resources are being used up at an alarming rate.地球上的资源正在以惊人的速度被消耗掉。We went through our food supplies at an alarming rate.我们以惊人的速度把储备的食品都吃完了。He had withdrawn from the company of his friends to an alarming extent.他大幅减少和朋友们的来往,已经到了令人担忧的程度。Robberies have been occurring with increasing/alarming regularity.抢劫事件一次又一次地发生。The costs of the project are rising at an alarming rate.这项工程的花费以惊人的速度增长着。Her ignorance of foreign policy was alarming.她对外交政策的无知令人吃惊。London is expanding outwards at an alarming rate, swallowing up large areas of beautiful countryside.伦敦正以惊人的速度向外扩展,吞食了大片美丽的乡村地区。I find the prospect of being without work extremely alarming.我预期可能会失业,觉得特别害怕。The boss sometimes follows her instincts to an alarming degree.老板凭她的直觉做事,有时到了令人担忧的程度。The world's forests are shrinking at an alarming rate.世界范围内的森林正在以让人担忧的速度减少。Gun violence is increasing at an alarming rate.持枪暴行正以惊人的速度增加。The taxi went around the bend at an alarming speed.这辆出租车以惊人的速度拐过弯道。These sort of statistics are undoubtedly alarming.这样的统计数字的确是惊人的。The realism of her dream was alarming.她的梦境如此逼真,让人震惊。It was alarming the way she got so fired up about small things.她对一些小事情也发这么大的火,真是不可思议。We are getting alarming reports of refugees being rounded up and shot.我们不断得到令人惊恐的报告,称难民被集中枪杀。The population was growing at an alarming rate.人口正以惊人的速度增长。The team lost with alarming frequency.这个队屡次失利,让人担忧。An alarming problem came to light last night.昨天晚上,一个令人惊恐的问题出现了。What is particularly alarming is that bullying is on the increase among even very young primary children.尤其使人忧虑的是恃强凌弱的现象甚至在年幼的小学生中也在增加。Our prison system is being put under the microscope after an alarming number of suicides.发生了多起自杀事件之后,我们的监狱系统正在接受严格的审查。The results of the research are both impressive and alarming.研究的结果既使人印象深刻又令人忧虑。Once events are safely in the past, this idea seems to become less alarming.一旦事件尘封为历史,这个想法似乎就没那么可怕。The Amazonian rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.亚马逊雨林正在以惊人的速度消失。It was both alarming and obscurely comforting.这既令人担忧,但同时又给人一种难以言说的欣慰。It is alarming to see how quickly the disease is spreading.疾病传播如此迅速,真让人担心。The spread of the disease in the last few years has been alarming.近几年这种疾病的广泛传播着实令人担忧。Technology continues to mutate at an alarming rate.科技继续以惊人的速度在变化发展。Our money was running out at an alarming rate.我们的钱花起来速度惊人。There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed.渡船以惊人的速度倾覆,根本来不及放救生艇下水。Even more alarming is the increase in child porn sites on the Internet.更令人忧虑的是互联网上的儿童色情网站在增多。Agricultural open space is disappearing at an alarming rate.耕地面积在以骇人的速度消失。The Mongolian economy was deteriorating at an alarming rate.蒙古经济在以令人惊异的速度衰退。He remained totally blasé about the alarming news.他对于这项令人惊恐的消息全然无动于衷。It's alarming to think how many people are at risk.想到有那么多人危在旦夕,真是让人害怕。




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