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词汇 警探
例句 The detectives tracked the killer to Arizona.警探们追查那个杀人凶手到亚利桑那州。Murder squad detectives approached the man and placed him under arrest.凶杀侦破组警探靠近那名男子,将其逮捕。The detective pumped them for information on the murder.警探反复询问他们有关谋杀案的情况。Detective Brady took a statement from both witnesses.布雷迪警探把两个证人的陈述都记录了下来。Detectives managed to catch the gunman who had taken three hostages in a raid on a jeweller's shop.警探终于抓获了在抢劫一家珠宝店时劫持三名人质的那个持枪歹徒。She is shadowed by detectives wherever she goes.她走到哪里都有警探跟踪。Detectives had closed the book on the Hornsey Murders case three years previously.警探三年前就停止了对霍恩赛谋杀案的调查。Detectives are liaising with Derbyshire police following the bomb explosion early today.今天早些时候炸弹爆炸案发生后,警探正在与德比郡的警方紧密合作。I'm a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?我是洛杉矶警察局的警探,我能问你几个问题吗?A team of detectives is scouring the area for the murder weapon.一队警探正在该地区搜查杀人的凶器。The film stars Kathleen Turner as the hard-boiled detective of Sarah Paretsky's novel.根据萨拉‧帕雷特斯基的小说改编的电影中,凯瑟琳‧特纳担纲主角,扮演冷酷的警探Solving violent crimes is all in a day's work for these police detectives.处置暴力犯罪是这些警探日常工作的一部分。Through a process of deduction, the detectives discovered the identity of the killer.经过一番仔细推断,警探们搞清了杀手的身份。Detectives placed him under arrest.警探把他抓了起来。Many plainclothes policemen were ordered back into uniform for temporary riot duty.许多便衣警探奉命重新穿上警服,暂时执行防暴任务。 The detective wondered what had driven Christine to phone her.警探不明白是什么原因促使克里斯蒂娜打电话给她。The man was released after questioning by detectives.那名男子接受警探盘问之后就被放走了。She is a detective on the police force.她是警察队伍的一名警探She hesitated slightly before answering the detective's question.在回答警探的问题之前,她稍稍犹豫了一下。Detectives found valuable evidence in the flat.警探在公寓发现了有价值的证据。The detective impressed my motorcycle to pursue a criminal.警探征用我的摩托车去追捕罪犯。The detective asked me when I last saw her.警探问我最后一次看见她是什么时候。Detectives are still looking for the escaped prisoner.警探仍在寻找越狱犯。




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