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例句 These ideas seem a little dated now.这些观念现在显得有点儿过时。The idea seems rather old-fashioned now.这种观念现在看来似乎相当落伍了。They have some quaint notions about how women should behave.他们对于妇女行为举止的观念有些已经过时了。Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas.女性主义观念与哲学思想是相互关联的。She wanted to get away from the traditional ideas of what theatre is about.她想摆脱传统的戏剧观念The bishop helped foster the sense of a community embracing all classes.主教促使这一观念得到宣扬,即社会要包容各个阶层。Western notions of human rights are not necessarily applicable in other societies.西方的人权观念不一定在其他国家也行得通。This outlook helped her to navigate through her later years with success.这种观念帮助她安度了晚年。The notion that blacks comprise a problem is at the core of racist reasoning.黑人总爱惹事这一观念是种族主义论断的核心。Your idea has gone out of date.你的观念已经过时了。The film has an ecological message at its core.这部影片的核心传达了一种生态观念Ideas and customs used to be passed on intact down the generations.以前,观念和习俗原封不动地代代相传。He had a complete change of perspective after his illness.生病后,他的观念完全改变了。From time immemorial there has been the belief that there are good and bad places to be.人生既有顺境,也有逆境,这种观念自古有之。It's the old idea that only wanton women have sexual passions.认为只有荡妇才有性欲的观念已经过时了。The idea has been in existence for centuries.这种观念已经存在了好几个世纪。Individual freedom is a powerful notion in the European popular consciousness.个体自由是欧洲大众意识中的一个很有影响力的观念These ideas are nothing new in America.这些观念在美国毫不新鲜。I am very curious about the ideation of this project. Can you elaborate on that?我对于这个专案的观念构成极感好奇。你能细说一下吗? She has no sense of time.她没有时间观念This goes against everything I've been brought up to believe in.这与我从小接受的观念相违背。Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.官吏出于狭隘的责任观念往往倾向于保密。Some rednecks beat up some noisy college students at the pub.一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。He has no sense of decorum.他没有礼貌得体的观念These concepts have gained broad acceptance among scientists.这些观念已得到科学家的普遍认可。She thinks that marriage is an old-fashioned concept.她认为婚姻是个陈旧的观念People here have a strong work ethic. 这里的人职业道德观念很强。Contrary to popular myth, women are not reckless spendthrifts.和人们普遍的观念恰恰相反,女性并不胡乱挥霍。Their relationship turned the standard notion of marriage on its head.他们的关系完全颠覆了传统的婚姻观念She's a respectable married woman with conventional opinions.她是位一位观念传统、受人尊敬的已婚女性。The couple idea is certainly oversold. There's so much pressure to become a couple that people feel failure if they don't conform.结婚的观念无疑被过分渲染了。人们面临来自各方的结婚压力,让他们觉得不结婚就是一种失败。He has a strong sense of fair play.他有很强的公平观念As a party, they had always been pro family.作为一个政党,他们一直支持家庭观念He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism.他一再批评西方教会过于世俗,消费主义观念过于顽固。This is purely ideational stuff, not literature.这是纯粹表达观念的东西,不是文学。The notion that the earth is flat was rejected long ago.对地球是扁平的这一观念很早便予以驳斥了。She has some old-fashioned values and can be a strict disciplinarian.她的有些观念比较传统,可能会严格地按纪律办事。The ideas she espoused were incomprehensible to me.她信奉的这些观念我一窍不通。There will have to be a sea change in people's attitudes if public transport is ever to replace the private car.要想使公共交通有一天取代私家车,人们的观念必须彻底改变。Dara challenges our stereotypical ideas about gender and femininity.达拉对我们老一套的性别和女性特质观念提出了异议。




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