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词汇 hospitality
例句 Last but not least, we must thank our host for his hospitality.最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们得感谢主人的热情好客。Kenneth overflowed with friendliness and hospitality.肯尼思满怀友善和好客之情。The local people showed me great hospitality.当地人对我非常地热情友好。They felt obliged to offer him hospitality.他们觉得有义务要款待他。A few of us in the press were there, goggle-eyed at the lavish hospitality.我们几位记者当时在那里,眼馋地看着丰盛的茶点。We will always remember his generous hospitality.我们将永远记得他的慷慨好客。Outstanding hospitality and scrupulous attention to detail make The Oceanic one of the finest hotels in the resort.宾至如归以及关怀备至的特色使大洋宾馆成为度假胜地最好的宾馆之一。As the evening deepened, his hospitality rayed out more widely.夜色渐深,他殷勤待客之道照亮了更多来宾的心。The new luxury hotel is fast becoming a byword for hospitality.这家新开业的豪华宾馆正在迅速成为殷勤好客的代名词。Thanks for your hospitality over the past few weeks.感谢你过去几星期的热情款待。You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality and then criticize her behind her back.你吃着她的食物,享受着她的款待,然后还在背地里指责她。He was known for his hospitality and generosity.大家都知道他好客大方。They returned our hospitality in full measure.他们以同样的热情回报了我们。His hospitality was instantaneous and all-embracing.无论何时无论对谁他都是很好客的。The company laid on lavish hospitality for their guests.公司盛情款待了来宾。It was refreshing to be met with such hospitality after our long journey.长途旅行后受到这样的热情款待,真是让我们神清气爽。Our town shows hospitality to strangers.我们这个镇上的人好客。They took care of everything for us. How's that for hospitality? 他们为我们料理好了一切。多么殷勤啊!She expressed her appreciation for their gracious hospitality.她对他们的殷勤款待表示感谢。Alan asked me to tell you how much he appreciated your hospitality when he was in London.艾伦让我告诉你,他对在伦敦时你对他的款待表示感谢。You must allow me to repay your hospitality.你得允许我回报一下你的热情款待。Just a note to thank you for your hospitality.仅此短信一封,感谢您的热情款待。They show hospitality to a stranger.他们殷勤招待陌生人。They were effusive in their thanks for their host's hospitality.他们对主人的殷勤款待感谢万分。Many thanks for the hospitality you showed me.非常感谢你对我的款待。It would be trespassing on their hospitality to accept any more from them.再接受他们的给予就是利用他们的好意了。Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness, charm and hospitality of the people.来到佐治亚州的每位游客都被当地人的善良、可爱和热情好客所深深打动。The natives are noted for their hospitality.当地人以好客著称。The response of the audience varied from outright rejection to warm hospitality.观众反应不一,有人完全不能接受,也有人击掌叫好。Thank you for your gracious hospitality.感谢你的盛情款待。They said we should stay another night, but I didn't want to trespass on their hospitality.他们说我们该再呆一晚上,可是我不想过度利用他们的热情好客。We were delighted by the wonderful hospitality of the local people.当地人的盛情款待使我们感到非常愉快。We would like to thank you for the warm hospitality extended to us during our recent visit.我们要感谢你们在我们最近访问期间的热情款待。He wasn't expecting our hospitality.他没有指望我们会盛情款待。He was unwilling to intrude upon their hospitality so often.他不愿经常去叨扰他们。I would like to reciprocate your fine hospitality.我想酬谢您对我的热情款待。It would be common courtesy to return their hospitality.对他们的好客作出回应是起码的礼节。He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tents.他将球直接打进迎宾帐篷里。We were glad to accept their generous hospitality.我们高兴地接受了他们的盛情款待。Lavish hospitality allows the host to gain prestige.盛情的款待使主人获得声望。




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