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词汇 Hospital
例句 He personally endowed a ward in Manhattan General Hospital.他个人资助了曼哈顿总医院的一个病房。I was taken to casualty at St Thomas's Hospital.我被送往圣·托马斯医院的急救室。The next morning, after feeling a sharp pain in his fingers, Gonzalez was treated for frostbite at City Hospital.第二天早上,冈萨雷斯觉得手指剧痛,便到市立医院去治疗冻伤。Hospital routines for nurses are very rigid.医院中护士的日常工作非常刻板。Hospital visiting hours were extended in response to pleas from patients.应病人的请求,医院延长了探视时间。When her baby was due, Barbara was admitted to the maternity ward of Mercy Hospital.芭芭拉临产的时候,被收进默西医院的产科病房。Hospital staff staged a protest as a gesture of solidarity with the striking nurses.医院工作人员举行抗议以示与罢工的护士们团结一致。Hospital visits are limited to immediate family. 医院探视仅限于直系亲属。He completed his pediatric residency at Stanford University Hospital.他在斯坦福大学附属医院完成了自己的儿科实习。She made a donation of $5,000 to the Children's Hospital.她捐了五千美元给儿童医院。Hospital authorities admitted that a tragic mistake/error had been made.医院管理方承认出现了造成悲惨后果的错误/失误。This afternoon the Queen will visit Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital.今天下午,女王将视察大奥蒙德街儿童医院。Hospital orderlies needed to restrain the patient.医院男护理人员需要对这名患者加以约束。He served his internship at Garfield Hospital.他在加菲尔德医院度过了实习期。Hospital staff are coming under pressure to work longer hours.医院的工作人员正面临延长工作时间的压力。My mother delivered me at Sibly Memorial Hospital.我母亲在西柏利纪念医院生下了我。Surgeons at Odstock Hospital, Wilts, sewed the thumb on.威尔特郡奥德斯多克医院的外科医生将大拇指缝合上了。She works at the John Radcliffe Hospital.她在约翰・拉德克利夫医院工作。After a brilliant career at St Luke's Hospital, she was given her own department.她在圣路加医院取得了卓越的成就之后,获准成立了一个自己的科室。She's a first-year resident in oncology at Boston General Hospital.她现在波士顿综合医院肿瘤科做高级专科住院实习医生。He trained in neurology at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases.他在国家神经疾病医院接受过神经病学的培训。Harefield Hospital has become world-famous for its pioneering heart transplant surgery.哈瑞福德医院以其开创性的心脏移植手术闻名于世。He was consultant rheumatologist at the Royal Hampshire Hospital.他是皇家汉普郡医院的风湿病学顾问。Hospital staff were outside to welcome him, waving flags and applauding.医院的工作人员都在外面一边挥动旗子一边鼓掌欢迎他。Hospital is a very depressing place to be.医院是一个待着会让人情绪低落的地方。Hospital performance targets will not be met.医院的绩效目标将无法实现。He was discharged after an examination at Westminster Hospital.威斯敏斯特医院在对他进行检查后就让他出院了。Hospital cleaners were criticized for the unhygienic conditions of the central kitchens.医院清洁工因中央厨房的卫生条件不佳而受到批评。St Mary's Hospital in Paddington became a self-governing trust this week.帕丁顿的圣玛丽医院这周成为政府资助的独立经营医院。St Mary's Hospital became a self-governing trust this week.圣玛丽医院本周成为独立医疗机构。He was later discharged after an examination at Westminster Hospital.在威斯敏斯特医院进行了一次诊察后他就出院了。Hospital discipline was broken. Amy would have to explain herself.埃米违反了医院的纪律,她将不得不为自己的行为进行辩解。We married in the chapel of Charing Cross Hospital in London.我们是在伦敦查令十字医院的小教堂里结的婚。The injured boy was flown by air ambulance to the Royal London Hospital.受伤男孩由空中救护车送往伦敦皇家医院。The injured were rushed to St Thomas's Hospital.伤者被火速送往圣托马斯医院。She was admitted to St Mary's Hospital with profuse bleeding.她因大出血被送入圣玛丽医院。If you feel you have any cause for complaint about the service, you should write to the Hospital Administrator.如果你有抱怨事由,你应该写信给医院院长。He was transferred from Weston Hospital to Frenchay…他从韦斯顿医院转院到了法兰查。Hospital staff say he is a model patient.医务人员说他是一个模范病人。She studied nursing at Garfield Hospital.她在加菲尔德医院学习护理。




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