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词汇 hospital
例句 Paul visited her every day when she was in hospital.她住院的时候,保罗每天去看她。She was put into a psychiatric hospital for her own protection.她被送入精神病医院以保护自己。The hospital quarantined the infected patients.医院对感染病人进行了隔离。The doctor thinks I have neurological disorder. He asks me to stay in the hospital for further checkups.医生说我神经系统失调,要我住院进一步检查。Instruments developed at the hospital allow doctors to thread microscopic telescopes into the digestive tract.医院开发研制的仪器使医生们得以将显微内镜伸入消化道。The hospital will cater only for emergencies.那家医院只看急诊。He lay helpless in the hospital ward.他无力地躺在医院病房里。We reported the incident to hospital authorities.我们向医院当局报告了这起事件。The hospital was named in honour / honor of its principal benefactor.这所医院以主捐助人的名字命名以表纪念。Our hospital has an affiliation with the medical college.本医院附属于这所医学院。The hospital is an unlikely setting for an art auction.医院不太可能成为艺术品拍卖的场所。It is on the fifth floor of the hospital.它在医院的五层。Doctors at the hospital say Mr Crowther is beginning to show signs of recovery, although he is still in intensive care.医院的医生说,克劳瑟先生虽然仍在重症监护室,但已开始有康复的迹象了。We fostered the little girl while her mother was in hospital.这小姑娘的母亲住院时,我们领养了她。He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.他被送到医院时被宣告已经死亡。There has been an increase in hospital admissions for alcohol-related conditions.医院收治与酒精相关的病患有所增加。The hospital may restrict bookings to people living locally.医院可能会仅限当地居民挂号。I want to buy a little something to give to Val when I visit her in hospital.我去医院看瓦尔的时候想给她买个小礼物。This part of the hospital was built on later.医院的这一部分是后来添造的。The maternity department will be in the new wing of the hospital.产科病房将设在医院新建的一侧。From then on the hospital became my second home.从那时起,医院就成了我的第二个家。Sobbing with rage, Carol was taken to the hospital.卡罗尔气得呜呜地哭,被送往医院。She had a police escort to the hospital.她由警察护送到医院。The nurses at the hospital were pleasant and chatty, and they made me feel less nervous.这医院里的护士既友善又健谈,她们让我感觉不那么紧张了。She had been doing a work placement at the hospital.她一直在医院实习。The town has no airport but there is a landing pad near the hospital.这座城市没有机场,但医院附近有一处停机坪。We are seeing an increased demand for hospital beds.我们发现,医院床位的需求量在不断增加。He went to the seaside for a cure at a famous hospital.他去海滨一所著名医院治疗。He has been taken into hospital for observation.他已经被送到医院进行检查。Two of the men were taken to hospital.有两人被送往医院。It didn't dawn on me how seriously injured I was until I got to the hospital.我直到进了医院才知道自己受的伤有多严重。The patient was discharged from the hospital.病人被允许出院。The hospital room has a medicinal smell.医院的房间里有一股药味。The hospital bills made a hole in his savings.生病住院花去了他大量的存款。To make a long story short, Stephen had a fight with Paul and ended up in the hospital.长话短说,史蒂芬和保罗打架,结果住进了医院。The state locked their sister away in a psychiatric hospital.政府把他们的姐姐关进了一家精神病医院。We sat in the hospital waiting room praying that he would pull through. 我们坐在医院候诊室祈祷他能脱险。The children were raced to hospital.孩子们被快速送到医院。Emergency admissions to the hospital are given top priority.医院优先处理紧急入院的病人。The money to keep the hospital open was provided by a London millionaire.维持这家医院办下去的资金是由伦敦的一位百万富翁提供的。




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