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例句 I was wondering whether you had any comments about that?.请问您对此有何见解It's well worth considering alternative views.不同的见解很值得考虑。The book is remarkably accurate and transparently fair-minded.这本书记述确凿,言辞明晰,见解公正。The scientist broke new ground in his book about rare animals.这位科学家在他那本有关珍稀动物的著作中有独创见解The book puts forward a number of propositions about the nature of language.这本书对语言的本质提出了一些见解And what is that pearl of wisdom supposed to mean?.那番精辟见解到底是什么意思呢?He has unpopular opinions/views.他持有不被广泛认同的观点/见解The study provided valuable insight into the development of the disease.该研究对这种疾病的发病过程提出了有价值的见解A bridge between ancient wisdom and modern insight is now being built.正在架设一座沟通古代智慧与现代见解的桥梁。And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.我所祈求的是:你会更加热爱知识,并且见解更加深刻。Some of his ideas were borrowed from other sources.他的某些见解是从别处借用来的。I was glad to be with people who shared my way of thinking.我很高兴能和见解相同的人在一起。The Hamburg weekly is surely unsurpassed for its intellectual range and quality.在汉堡出版的这份周刊视野广博,见解深刻,品质卓绝。He was better at yessing than at developing original ideas.他更善于附和,而不善于提出独创见解When it comes to politics, their opinions/views diverge. 在政治方面,他们的观点/见解不同。Her parents are very right on.她的父母有着很入时的左倾见解The book is full of remarkable insights.这部书充满了深刻而卓越的见解This brings the law into line with most medical opinion.这使得该法与绝大多数医学见解保持了一致。His work is full of profundities and asides concerning the human condition.他的作品充满了有关人类境况的深邃见解和话外音。I would really like to have your objective opinion on this.我很想听听你对此事的客观见解Any insights into the killer's motivation were hypothetical.对于杀手动机的任何见解都是假设性的。




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