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词汇 currency
例句 I'm sorry, we can't change foreign currency. We're only a small branch, you see.对不起,我们无法兑换外币。你知道,我们只是家小分店。The ripples of Europe's currency crisis continue to be felt in most of the member states.欧洲货币危机引起的连锁反应仍在影响着大多数的成员国。In the face of a severe crisis relating to international reserves, the government devalued the currency twice.面对国际储备的严重危机,政府实施了两次货币贬值。Certain countries took the expedient path of paying their bills by printing extra currency.某些国家采取权宜之计的途径,印制额外的纸币来支付账款。They were paid in U.S. currency.他们的报酬是用美元支付的。Banks may import currency without limit.银行可以无限制地进口货币。A flood of currency issued each year.每年发行大量货币。 This trade in foreign currency is perfectly legal.这宗外汇交易完全合法。The currency is now locked into the European Monetary System.该货币现已被纳入欧洲货币体系中。The sen is the smallest unit of Malaysian currency.仙是马来西亚最小的货币单位。These ideas have gained wide currency.这些思想已广泛传播。Europe is moving steadily towards a single currency.欧洲正朝着单一货币的方向稳步前进。Their currency purchases less each year.他们的货币每年贬值。Local banks give better rates for converting your traveler's checks into foreign currency.当地银行把你的旅行支票兑换成外币时提供更优厚的兑换率。If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.如果你经常旅行,就找一家能直接兑换外币的旅行社。The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.政府没有足够的硬通货来支付进口产品。Indonesia's local currency rating was raised by two grades.印度尼西亚的本国货币评级提高了两个等级。Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency.旅游业是该国最大的外汇收入来源。The country has once again imposed currency controls.该国再次实行汇率管制。Many slang words have short currency.许多俚语词流行时期很短。A decision by the Finns to float their currency sent a shudder through the foreign exchanges.芬兰允许其货币自由浮动的决定在外汇市场上引起了震动。Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like the taxi fare to your hotel.带些外币用来支付杂费,比如到旅馆的打的费。I took a few traveller's cheques and bits of odd currency.我带了几张旅行支票和少量零钱。She spoke the King's English like a currency lass.她讲起标准英语来就像澳大利亚的土生白种姑娘。The maintenance of a firm currency plays an important part in the battle against inflation.在制止通货膨胀的斗争中保持货币坚挺起着重要作用。The issue of the single currency has divided the country.这个国家在发行单一货币问题上意见不一。These words have little currency now.这些词现已极少用。More people favour a single European currency than oppose it.赞成单一欧洲货币的人占多数。You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。How did the idea gain currency?这种观念是怎样流行起来的?Argentina decided to let its currency float freely against the dollar.阿根廷政府决定让其货币汇率对美元自由浮动。The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.政府使货币贬值以振兴衰退的经济。We soon got used to using Italian currency.我们很快就习惯了使用意大利货币。The bank charges a commission on all foreign currency transactions.银行对所有的外汇交易收取手续费。Government experts will be keeping a close eye on the new currency to see whether it proves successful.政府的专家会密切注意这种新货币,看它是否成功。They have seen many of their basic ideas gain wide currency.他们已经看到他们的很多基本理念获得广泛认可。He clearly believes that India should have de-valued its currency.他显然认为印度应将其货币贬值。This belief has general currency.这种信仰广泛流行。Lenin said that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency.列宁说,摧毁资本主义体系的最好办法是击垮其货币。You can buy traveller's cheques in sterling or foreign currency.你可以用英镑或外币购买旅行支票。




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