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词汇 装饰品
例句 The shop sold tacky souvenirs and ornaments.这家店出售质量低劣的纪念品和装饰品Christmas decorations were withdrawn from sale yesterday following a fire-risk warning.昨天发出了火灾隐患警告之后,圣诞节装饰品都停止销售了。The house was overflowing with a profusion of strange ornaments.这房子里摆满了奇特的装饰品We will have Christmas decorations on a par with anything on show at the MetroCentre.我们要让自己的圣诞装饰品能和地铁购物中心的相媲美。The raincoats are classic, without any nonsense.雨衣式样传统简约,没有什么无用的装饰品Putting up the decorations is half the fun of Christmas.过圣诞节的一大乐趣来自悬挂装饰品Dad was putting up the Christmas decorations.爸爸正在布置圣诞装饰品I bought a new Christmas tree ornament - do you want to see it?我买了一件新的圣诞树装饰品,你想看看吗?They are putting up decorations for the festival.他们在为节日布置装饰品The children are hanging up the decorations for the party.孩子们正在挂装饰品为聚会作准备。Their junk shop was full of chairs, trunks, ornaments, and other miscellaneous objects.他们的旧货商店里满是些椅子、大箱子、装饰品和其他各种各样的东西。Make sure you pack breakable ornaments carefully.易碎装饰品一定要仔细包装好。This book has a use as an ornament.这本书可用作装饰品She went overboard with the decorations.她沉迷于装饰品We have many decorations left over from the party.聚会之后,我们留下了许多装饰品The shelves were covered with ornaments and useless knick-knacks.架子上满是装饰品和一些无用的小玩意儿。We bought ornaments for the Christmas tree.我们购买装饰品点缀圣诞树。Christmas decorations looped from the ceiling.圣诞装饰品从天花板上垂下来形成环状。We can't find a match for this ornament.我们未能找到和这件匹配的装饰品Christmas was over and the decorations packed away.圣诞节过后,装饰品都被收了起来。The decorations were taken down and put away for another year.装饰品被取下收起来,留作来年使用。The decorations are easy to make, yet very effective.这些装饰品很容易做,且效果不错。About ten days before the marriage, a peculiar ornament made of jade, or red lacquer, was sent to the home of the bride.大约在婚礼前的十几天,一件玉或红亮漆做的装饰品送到了新娘家。The store offers a lot in home decor.这家商店出售多种居家装饰品The only decoration in the room was a picture above the fireplace.这房间里唯一的装饰品是壁炉上方的一幅画。A motley collection of ornaments jostled for space on the crowded shelf.一堆五花八门的装饰品占满了拥挤的架子。I could use some help putting these decorations up if you're not too busy.你如果不太忙的话,我想请你帮忙把这些装饰品挂起来。Have you put up your Christmas decorations yet?你把圣诞装饰品都挂出来了吗?I think I’ve covered all the bases – I called everyone, ordered the food , and bought some decorations .我想我已经面面俱到,尽我所能了¬¬——我给每个人打了电话,定了餐,还买了一些装饰品The room was full of tasteless ornaments.房间里摆满了俗气的装饰品We worked on finding the right mix of food, music, and decorations for the wedding.我们努力为这场婚礼寻找食物、音乐和装饰品的完美组合。He melts down coins to make into earrings and ornaments.他把硬币熔化掉,做成耳环和装饰品The enamelling was exceptionally fine.这件珐琅装饰品格外精美。The portraits and sumptuous ornaments show that this is not just any old front room.那些画像和昂贵的装饰品表明这可不是一间普普通通的客厅。Christmas decorations hung from every corner.每个角落都挂着圣诞装饰品The room was kitted out with balloons and decorations for the party.房间里挂起了气球和其他装饰品为聚会做准备。The book offers advice on choosing fabrics, furniture, and accessories.这本书提供了在如何选择面料、家具和装饰品方面的建议。The child handled the ornaments carefully and seldom broke anything.那个孩子拿装饰品时非常小心,很少打坏东西。The coins were only ever used for ornament, not as currency.这些硬币从来都只被用作装饰品,而不是作为货币使用。




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