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词汇 被告知
例句 He was told that all available accommodation had been taken up.被告知房间都客满了。He was ordered to have complete rest after his heart attack.他心脏病发作后,被告知要彻底休息。They were told that the BBC had the power to override their machines and download programmes of its choice.他们被告知,英国广播公司有权覆盖他们机器上的内容并推送由英国广播公司选择的节目。We were told not to bother about the early data when writing the report.我们被告知,写报告时无须考虑早期数据。She looked a bit dejected when they told her she didn't get the job.被告知没有得到那份工作时,她脸上露出一丝失望的表情。The suspect was given a Miranda warning. 嫌疑犯被告知其拥有米兰达权利。He was told to drop the idea.被告知要打消那个主意。We were asked to wait a decent interval before making the announcement.我们被告知要适当等一段时间再发表公告。Visitors have been told the building will be used as a museum.参观者被告知这幢建筑将被用作博物馆。A customer took a perfectly serviceable washing machine in for repair, only to be told it needed replacing.一位顾客带着一台性能尚好的洗衣机来修,不料竟被告知该换洗衣机了。We were told the firm had ceased trading.我们被告知该公司已经停止营业。We were told not to panic.我们被告知不要惊慌失措。She was told to go back to the doctor in two weeks if she hadn't improved.被告知如果两周内没有好转,就要再去看医生。The passengers were told their flight was about to depart.乘客们被告知航班就要起飞了。His parents were informed of the fact.他的父母亲被告知这一事实。He was told to halt the embarkation of troops.被告知暂停部队登船。It was flattering to be told how indispensable his taste and talent were.被告知自己的品味和才能如此不可或缺,他心里非常高兴。He was told he wasn't wanted any longer.被告知不再需要他了。They were told to take whatever action they deemed necessary.他们被告知可采取任何必要的行动。We are always being told to nourish our bodies by eating the right food.我们一直被告知要通过合理膳食来滋补身体。She was told to change her diet and quit smoking.被告知要改变饮食并戒烟。He was told to pack up all of his letters and personal belongings.被告知收拾好自己所有的信件和私人物品。We were told to keep all our sports equipment in the lockers downstairs.我们被告知,把所有运动器材存放到楼下的锁柜里。Customers are told what their policies will be worth on maturity.客户被告知他们的保险单到期时将值多少钱。Elderly people are told that if they want to keep their minds nimble, they must use them.老年人被告知,要想保持头脑灵敏,就必须要多动脑。They were told that in order for them to keep their jobs, they would have to accept a cut in pay.他们被告知若要保住工作,就必须接受减薪。They were told that Dr Albright wasn't taking any new patients.他们被告知,奥尔布赖特医生不再接收新病人了。The court was told that Blake had charged hundreds of dollars in rent for rooms that were unfit for human habitation.法庭被告知,布莱克收取几百美元的租金,而房间却不宜住人。After an anxious wait, Audrey was told her father had died.焦急的等待过后,奥德里被告知父亲去世了。Bill was told he would never be able to father children.比尔被告知他永远不能生儿育女。Residents have been told to clean up after their dogs.居民被告知要随时清理他们的狗弄脏的地方。I was notified that I did not get the job.被告知没有得到这份工作。We were told to arrange/settle our affairs. = We were told to put our affairs in order.我们被告知要把我们自己的事安排有序。Customers were notified of the changes in the company.顾客被告知公司内的变更。She was told to box up her things and go home.被告知收拾东西走人。Atkinson has been told rest is the only cure for his ankle injury.阿特金森被告知休息是唯一能治好他脚踝伤的办法。We were advised to never be too aggressive when approaching a potential client.我们被告知与潜在客户交谈时绝对不要咄咄逼人。He was told visas were refused.被告知,签证未获准。He was told to empty out his desk and leave.被告知腾空自己的桌子,然后离开。He was told to get back to Washington on the double.被告知要尽快赶回华盛顿。




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