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Then came the sleeper. A barely known composer was named Minister of Culture.接着就爆出了冷门;一名鲜为人知的作曲家被任命为文化部长。Culture plays a large part in non-verbal communication.文化在非语言交流中起着很大的作用。Culture is no longer the prerogative of the rich.文化不再是有钱人垄断的权利了。The French president has appointed a new Minister for Culture.法国总统任命了新的文化部长。Culture was not very high in the city's list of priorities.文化不是这个城市最优先发展的事业。Culture is a fairly nebulous concept.文化是个相当模糊的概念。Culture is not static.文化不是静止不变的。 |