例句 |
Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas.她的文学批评集中关注的是伟大的文学作品表达思想的方式。We express our thoughts by speech.我们用言语表达思想。He has fluent language to express his conceits.他能流畅地用语言表达思想。People tend to repeat themselves when they are speaking spontaneously.人们在即兴说话时往往翻来覆去表达思想。Language is the vehicle of thought.语言是表达思想的工具。Language is an imperfect instrument for conveying thought.语言是一种表达思想的不完美工具。The writer could have conveyed ideas more effectively by punctuating sentences with full stops.要是用句号断句的话,作者就能更好地表达思想了。 |