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例句 The government recognized his outstanding service by giving him a medal.政府为他颁赠勋章,以表彰他的卓著功绩。The President issued a commendation praising the volunteers for their exceptional work during the relief effort.总统颁发了嘉奖令,表彰在救灾工作中有杰出表现的志愿者。Tonight we will honor the school's most outstanding students/teachers/athletes/performers.今晚我们将表彰本校最优秀的学生/教师/运动员/演员。The ceremony is to celebrate people who broke racial barriers in the music industry.这一庆典是为了表彰音乐界那些冲破种族藩篱的人们。She received an honorary doctorate from Exeter University in recognition of her work for the homeless.她被授予埃克塞特大学荣誉博士头衔,以表彰她为无家可归者所做的工作。For his dedication the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit.表彰他的奉献精神,市长授予他荣誉奖章。It requires some pains to spell out those decorations.琢磨出那些勋章表彰的是什么要花很大的力气。The award recognizes extraordinary accomplishment in the field of medicine.这一奖项表彰的是医学界取得的非凡成就。He was hailed as a hero, mentioned in dispatches and finally given a medal.他被誉为英雄,得到了通报表彰,最后还获得了一枚勋章。The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer.英国皇家空军表彰他是一名杰出的工程师。Garcia was cited for her work with disabled children.加西亚因她为残疾儿童所做的工作而受到表彰He was honored with an award for excellence in teaching.他因教学出色而获表彰They were given credit for the discovery.他们因这一发现而受到表彰Rutherford was knighted in recognition of his scientific achievements.表彰卢瑟福在科学上的成就而封其为爵士。They have planned a testimonial in her honor.他们计划对她进行表彰The prize is to honour him for his great discoveries.奖品意在表彰他的重大发现。She received awards for her academic achievements/accomplishments.她因学术成就受到了表彰He was commended for his brave actions.他的英勇行为受到表彰The Queen recognized his services to his country by awarding him an MBE.女王授予她大英帝国员佐勋章,以表彰她对国家的贡献。She received a special award in acknowledgement of all her hard work.她获得一个特别奖,表彰她辛劳工作。She received an honour for her services to the community.她因为社区提供服务而获得了表彰The people who organized the festival should take a bow for its remarkable success.庆典大获成功,组织者应该受到表彰She will be honoured for her work in promoting friendship between the two countries.她将因在促进两国之间的友谊方面所做的工作而受到表彰The award is being made in belated recognition of her services to the industry.这一奖项是对她为本行业所作贡献的迟来的表彰She was given an award for meritorious service.她因良好的服务而受到表彰The award recognizes distinction in exploration, discovery, and research.该奖项表彰在探索、发现和研究方面的卓越贡献。They recognized her years of service with a special award.他们用一项特别奖来表彰她多年的服务。They were awarded medals in recognition of their bravery.他们被授予了勋章,以表彰他们的英勇行为。He had just received a doctorate in recognition of his contributions to seismology.他刚被授予了博士头衔以表彰他对地震学作出的贡献。Today, her achievement was recognized with a civic reception.今天,在市民招待会上她的成就受到表彰The award was made for his work in cancer research.授予该奖是为表彰他在癌症研究中所作出的贡献。They presented him with an award in acknowledgment of his charitable work.表彰他所做的慈善工作,他们给他颁了奖。He was awarded a medal as a mark of merit for long and faithful service.他被授予奖章,以表彰他长期忠诚奉献的功勋。We want to find an appropriate way to recognize his achievements.我们想找一个适当的方式来表彰他的成就。This award honours / honors the achievements of American women in medicine.这个奖项表彰美国女性在医学上取得的成就。The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer.英国皇家空军表彰他是一名非常能干的机械师。She is being honored at a testimonial dinner next week.下周她将在表彰宴上受到表彰He received a doctorate in recognition of his contributions to seismology.他被授予了博士头衔,以表彰他对地震学作出的贡献。His efforts are certainly deserving of praise.他的努力当然值得表彰They should be commended for their bravery.他们的勇敢行为应该受到表彰




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