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词汇 补贴
例句 He received a per diem allowance to cover his travel expenses.他拿到了一笔日补贴以弥补他的差旅费。The state subsidizes housing for low-income families.这个州向低收入家庭提供住房补贴Our Government should be fighting for an end to food subsidies.我们政府应该努力废止食物补贴Massive subsidies and tax incentives were given to encourage the formation of giant industrial complexes.政府为促进建立大型工业园区而给予大量补贴和赋税优惠。You should find out about any benefits you're entitled to.你该去了解一下你可以领取哪些补贴The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydney's offer of a subsidy.悉尼提供了补贴,所以到那里去的费用就没那么贵了。The company gives a generous mileage allowance.公司发高额的按英里里程计算的交通补贴When he didn't get the pay raise he was expecting, he had to take another job to pick up the slack. 工资没有如愿增加,他只好再干一份工以补贴收入。After he injured his back he had to quit his job and go on disability.他后背受伤后,只得离开工作岗位,靠领取伤残补贴为生。Negotiators failed to resolve the bitter dispute between the European Community and the United States over cutting subsides to farmers.谈判者未能消弭欧共体和美国之间在削减农民补贴一事上的争端。He supplements his meager income by working on Saturdays.他靠周六做工来补贴他微薄的收入。The state's timber industry is heavily subsidized.该州的木材工业得到大量补贴Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a living wage.许多农民的基本生活工资要靠补贴来维持。Two-thirds of lone parents are on benefit.有三分之二的单身父母领取补贴Negotiators failed to resolve the dispute between the European Community and the United States over cutting subsidies to farmers.谈判者未能解决欧洲共同体与美国之间关于削减农民补贴的争端。Other benefits such as dole money could be frozen and there will be a huge push to weed out fiddlers.其他像失业救济金这样的补贴可能会被冻结,大家会努力把骗子清除掉。The taskforce has recommended some kind of subsidy to help businesses get their Internet start-ups off the ground.工作组建议提供某种形式的补贴帮助企业的互联网新项目起步。Everyone agrees that subsidies have to be slashed.所有人都同意必须大幅度削减补贴There were also pledges to soften the impact of the subsidy cuts on the poorer regions.他们还承诺要减轻削减补贴给较贫困地区带来的影响。Allowing Anna to live there for free as an offset on her wages kept the payroll to a minimum.让安娜免费住在那里作为对她工资的补贴,这样便使工薪总额维持在了最低水平。The US wants big cuts in European agricultural export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance.美国想大幅度削减欧洲农业出口补贴,但此举遭到了抵制。The city is increasing subsidies for public transit.市政府正在提高公共交通补贴The United States had no intention of backing down in its bitter row over farm subsidies.美国无意就激烈争吵的农产品补贴问题作出让步。I am all for cutting carbon dioxide emissions, but that would be much more easily achieved by giving subsidies to windpower, than with nuclear power.我完全赞成减少二氧化碳的排放,但是,相比发展核能,对发展风能提供补贴更容易实现这一目标。Community nurses are paid a mileage allowance.社区护士享有交通补贴The dockers are claiming dirty money for handling a cargo of red oxide.码头工人因搬运一船红色氧化物正要求付给污损补贴The Arts Council granted them a small subsidy.艺术委员会拨给他们一小笔补贴The government pays subsidies to farmers to produce particular crops.政府向生产特定农作物的农民提供补贴He had to do extra jobs at the weekend to top up his income.他不得不在周末另外打工来补贴收入。The Prime Minister's plan would cut almost all subsidies to state-run industries.首相的计划将差不多削掉国营企业的所有补贴The money they get from fruit-picking is often a supplement to incomes earned in the town.他们靠采摘水果所得的钱常常是城里所挣收入的补贴Federal subsidies would be available to help employers pay the insurance premiums.将提供联邦政府补贴来帮助雇主支付保险费。The subsidies are to enable farmers to convert to organic production methods.补贴是为了让农民改用有机农业生产方法。Employees get a mileage allowance for business travel.雇员出差旅行可得到交通补贴The government has said it will no longer subsidize public transport.政府已声明将不再对公共交通实行补贴She gets an allowance for looking after Lillian.她因为照顾莉莲而拿补贴To ease financial difficulties, farmers could be compensated for their loss of subsidies.为了缓解经济困难,农场主们损失的补贴会得到补偿。If you don't subsidize ballet and opera, seat prices will have to go up to pay for it.如果你不为芭蕾和歌剧提供补贴,就得提高剧场票价来为此买单。The company pays me a mileage allowance when I have to travel for work.我因公出差时,公司支付我里程补贴They have the power to suspend subsidy payments.他们有权中止支付补贴




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