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He has been hobbled by a knee injury.他一直因膝盖有伤而行动不便。We both have medical conditions which restrict our movements.我们俩都有病在身,行动不便。His movements were painfully impaired by arthritis.他行动不便,深受关节炎之苦。He's having trouble getting around because of his sore knee.他因膝盖疼痛而行动不便。These clothes restrict your freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body.这些衣服使你行动不便,让全身都变得不灵活。These clothes restrict freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body.这些衣服使你行动不便,让你全身都变得不灵活。In later life she was crippled with arthritis.晚年她因患关节炎而行动不便。Her heavy skirts hampered her movements.厚重的裙子使得她行动不便。The accident left her with restricted movement in her right leg.事故造成她右腿行动不便。The school have bent over backwards to accommodate Jan's mobility difficulties.学校想方设法顾及简的行动不便。 |