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A 10% service charge is added on to the bill.帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。Many loan application forms automatically add on insurance.很多贷款申请表会自动附加保险。His goal in the third minute of time added on sealed the match.他在比赛伤停补时阶段的第三分钟射进一球,决定了比赛的胜利。You might want to add on to the kitchen at a later date.你日后可能想扩建厨房。A new bathroom has been added on to the back of the house.房子后面加盖了一个新浴室。To the rear is a large dining room, added on early this century.后部是一个本世纪初加盖的大餐厅。Holiday-makers can also add on a week in Majorca before or after the cruise.度假者们可以在乘游轮游览之前或之后再在马略卡岛呆上一星期。We're going to add on a new garage。我们打算加个新车库。We're having a bedroom added on to the back of the house.我们准备在屋子后面加盖一间卧室。The private chapel was added on to the church much later.那个私人祈祷室是这座教堂后来加建的。We’ve added on a couple of rooms to the house.我们扩建了这座房子,增加了两个房间。 |