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词汇 addresses
例句 Applicants should also send the names and addresses of two referees.申请者还需提交两名证明人的姓名和地址。We exchanged addresses and phone numbers.我们交换了地址和电话号码。The mayor talks like a vaudeville comedian in his public addresses.在公共演讲中,这位市长讲起话来像个歌舞杂耍演员。Their work addresses the implications of new technology.他们的工作是探讨新技术的意义。If you're converting your loft, these addresses will be useful.你要是打算改造阁楼,这些地址会派上用场。My vote will go to the party that addresses crime.我这一票将投给着手解决犯罪问题的党派。The names and addresses are all kept in computer files.所有的姓名和地址都保存在电脑文件中。We exchanged addresses and promised to write to one another.我们交换了地址,答应要给彼此写信。In British and American addresses, the name of the town always comes after the name of the street.在英美地址里,镇的名字总是写在街道名字后面。The President will therefore have to tread a very fine line when he addresses the parliament.这样一来,总统在向议会演讲时将不得不仔细拿捏分寸。The Emperor himself had paid her his addresses at one time.皇帝本人曾经向她求爱。You've given a whole list of names and addresses at the back.你已经在末尾完整地列出了名字和地址。We exchanged addresses.我们交换了地址。If you're planning a new kitchen, these addresses will be useful.如果你正在计划建一个新厨房,这些地址会派上用场。The President will therefore have to tread a very fine line when he addresses the parliament.因此,总统在向议会演讲时将不得不仔细拿捏分寸。He was besieged with invitations to give addresses.他被演讲邀请弄得应接不暇。He's got one of those electronic things, you know, that you can record all your addresses in.他有一个什么电子玩意儿,可以把所有地址都储存进去。We exchanged addresses and promised we'd write each other often.我们互换了地址并承诺常常写信联系。Some people feel queasy about how their names and addresses have been obtained.一些人为自己的姓名和地址是如何被泄露出去的感到不安。We exchanged addresses and Christmas cards.我们交换了地址和圣诞贺卡。I asked for names and addresses so that I might pass on details to the police.我问了姓名和地址以便把详情报告给警察。That's settled then. We'll exchange addresses tonight.那就定下来了,我们今晚交换联系地址。There has been a big reduction in the number of issues the president addresses in any given week.总统在一周中所处理的问题已大大减少了。The newspaper editorial addresses the sleaze factor in political campaigns.那家报纸的社论谈到了政治选举中的丑闻。The teacher addresses the students by their surnames.这位老师以学生的姓氏称呼他们。All computer manuals should contain a list giving addresses of suppliers.所有的电脑手册都应包括一张清单,列出供应商的地址。We're currently inputting the names and addresses of all our customers into a database.眼下我们在将所有客户的姓名和地址输进数据库。One of the characters addresses the audience directly throughout the play.剧中有个人物自始至终都在直接对观众说话。He addresses such potentially controversial issues as the role of women in society.他探讨女性的社会角色等可能引起争议的问题。The police officer made a note of their names and addresses.警察记下了他们的名字和地址。I thought all the handouts were good actually, and some were great, with website addresses and everything.我觉得所有的讲义都非常好,有的简直棒极了,上面有网址之类的,样样齐全。Drug officers swooped on several addresses in London last night.缉毒警察昨晚对伦敦的几处住所进行了突击搜查。The police took down our addresses and phone numbers.警察记下我们的住址和电话号码。We can exchange addresses when we see each other.我们见面的时候可以互相留下对方的地址。His strength is that he addresses his readers in plain language.他的长处在于用平实的语言去跟读者讲话。Internet addresses are also known as URLs.网址也称为统一资源定位地址。Has he emailed you that list of addresses yet?他把通讯录用电子邮件发给你了吗?Your information pack includes addresses of leading manufacturers.你的信息包里包含主要制造商的地址。She copied all the addresses from the website into her address book.她把网站上的所有地址抄到自己的地址簿里。We talked, exchanged email addresses and phone numbers, as you do on planes.我们聊了聊、交换了电子邮件地址和电话号码,在飞机上你也会这样做的。




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