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词汇 address book
例句 She copied all the addresses from the website into her address book.她把网站上的所有地址抄到自己的地址簿里。I need to copy these phone numbers into my address book.我得将这些电话号码抄在通讯录中。I scribbled his phone number in my address book.我在地址簿上潦草地写下他的电话号码。I checked my address book for Rick's house number.我在通讯录上查里克家的电话号码。I'm afraid I don't have my address book with me.我恐怕没带通讯录。He walked by my table and, casually as you please, picked up my address book.他走到我的桌旁,非常随意地拿起了我的通讯录。I need to update my address book.我需要更新我的通讯录。Mary tried to read the writing in her sodden address book, but it was impossible.玛丽试图看懂那湿漉漉的通讯录上的字,但无法辨认。I turned the dog-eared pages of my old address book.我翻了翻旧地址簿里折角的页。I flipped through my address book but couldn't find her phone number.我翻了通讯录,但是找不到她的电话号码。Her address book reads like a roll call of top Hollywood stars.她的通讯录读起来好像是好莱坞大牌明星的名单。




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