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词汇 蟾蜍
例句 The toad changed its colour to blend in with its new environment.蟾蜍改变颜色以便和新环境混成一体。The toad had changed its colour to blend in with its new environment.蟾蜍已经变色,和新的环境融为一体。The toad hid itself in a cranny in the wall.蟾蜍躲藏在墙缝里。Toads have shorter legs and are generally more clumsy than frogs.蟾蜍比青蛙脚短,一般说来没有青蛙灵活。The toad has terrestrial habits, spending most of its time on shore.蟾蜍具有陆生习性,大部分的时间都在岸上。This wet area also attracts frogs, toads and newts.这片潮湿地区也吸引了青蛙、蟾蜍和蝾螈一类的生物。Toads have drier, lumpier skins than frogs and spend less time in the water.蟾蜍的皮比青蛙干燥,疙瘩也更多,呆在水中的时间比青蛙少。Toads burrow into the earth to hide from their enemies.蟾蜍掘洞钻入土里以躲避天敌。The toad has a distinctive yellow stripe down its back.蟾蜍的背部从上至下有一道醒目的黄色条纹。This wet area attracts frogs, toads, and newts.这片湿地吸引了青蛙、蟾蜍和蝾螈。The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison.这种蟾蜍的皮肤会分泌出一种致命毒素。Toads are colonising the whole place.蟾蜍把这整个地方都占为己有。He grabbed into the ooze and came up clutching a large toad.他把手伸进淤泥里捞摸,结果抓上来一只大蟾蜍The toads have settled in and accepted the pond as a good spawning ground.蟾蜍已经在这个池塘里住下来了,把这里当成了理想的产卵地。Frogs are green, toads are brown. That's how you tell the difference.青蛙是绿色的,蟾蜍是棕色的。你可以借此来区分。




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