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The maid always turns down the bedclothes and places a mint on the pillow.女仆总是把铺盖翻下并在枕头上放一块薄荷糖。Eric fished a peppermint out of the bag.埃里克从包里摸出一块薄荷糖。I sucked peppermints and listened to the radio.我一边嘴里含着薄荷糖一边听收音机。Josh took a mint and flipped it into his mouth like a dime.乔希拿了一颗薄荷糖,像扔一角硬币一样把它扔进嘴里。Would you like a breath mint? 你想来一块儿使口气清新的薄荷糖吗?You can eat a peppermint as a breath freshener.你可以吃一块薄荷糖清一下口气。People often suck a peppermint as a breath freshener.人们常常含薄荷糖来清新口气。Jane was crunching a peppermint noisily.简嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着薄荷糖。We sat in the back row, sucking mints.我们坐在后排,嘴里吮着薄荷糖。 |