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词汇 tax reform
例句 The government has threatened a veto of any tax reform proposals.政府已威胁要否决任何税务改革的提议。The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.税制改革得到众口一词的称赞。He made a strong pitch for his tax reform bill.他竭力为自己的税改议案作宣传。The legislature has punted on important issues like health-care funding and tax reform.立法机关回避了诸如医疗保健经费和税收改革等重要议题。The government remains firm in its opposition to tax reform.政府仍坚决反对税收改革。The government has officially unveiled its plans for tax reform.政府已正式公开了税改计划。He is a fierce/loud/outspoken critic of tax reform.他是税法改革的强烈反对者。They were very defensive about their party's record on tax reform.他们为他们的党在税制改革问题上的记录百般袒护。Over the long range, the most important step will be a general tax reform.从长远看,最重要的步骤是全面实行税制改革。Mr Forbes said tax reform would be a plank of his presidential campaign.福布斯先生称税制改革将是他总统竞选的重要政纲。The main plank in his election campaign is tax reform.他竞选运动的主要政纲是税制改革。This newspaper gave a completely different slant on the tax reform.这家报纸对税制改革持有完全不同的看法。Bradley was a major supporter of the tax reform plan.布拉德利是税收改革计划的主要支持者。In the speech, the leader enunciated his party's proposals for tax reform.在演讲中,这位领导人阐明了该政党的税收改革计划。He gave a passionate speech on tax reform.有关税制改革,他做了一次慷慨激昂的演讲。The president wants to make tax reform a top priority during his second term.总统想把税制改革作为他第二个任期的重中之重。Our new policy on tax reform will certainly help the economy. The only problem will be convincing the voters.我们这个新的税务改革政策肯定有助于经济的发展,唯一的问题是要让选民信服。The calls for tax reform pose a severe test for the government.税改呼声对政府构成了严峻考验。The government instituted a tax reform to stimulate demand.为了刺激需求,政府启动了税制改革。He made tax reform the centerpiece of his speech.他在演讲中重点阐述了税务改革。My vote will go to the candidate who promises tax reform.我的票将投给承诺税改的候选人。




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