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Moore is right in saying that the present tax system is unfair.穆尔说得对,现在的税收制度不公平。These new rules have complicated the tax system even further.这些新规定使税收制度更加复杂。Her political rivals have poured/heaped scorn on her ideas for improving the tax system.她的政治对手对她改进税收体制的想法嗤之以鼻。The government lacked the political will to reform the tax system.政府缺乏改革税收体制的政治决断力。Once in power, the government set to work on major reforms to the tax system.政府一上台就开始进行重大的税制改革。The new tax system is advantageous to small businesses.新税制对小企业有利。In a fair tax system those who earn the most should pay the most.公平的税制应是挣钱最多的人缴纳的税款也是最高的。The UK's tax system takes no account of children.英国的纳税制度没有把儿童考虑在内。The changes to the tax system proved impracticable as they were impossible to enforce.税制改革因无法实施而被证明是行不通的。The whole tax system is now operating more efficiently.整个税收体系现在运作得效率更高了。The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.如果提议的税制改革得以实施,富人和低收入人群的受益程度将会有所区别。Accountants know how to play the tax system.会计师知道如何钻税收制度的空子。The tax system has undergone a complete overhaul.税制已进行全面改革。The present tax system penalizes poor people.现行税收制度对穷人不利。He argued for changes to the tax system so that it assisted people who undertook training.他据理力争改革税务制度来帮助接受培训的人。This change in the tax system will mean big gains for some companies.税制上的这一变化将会给一些公司带来很大收益。 |