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词汇 落空
例句 After two quarters of disappointed expectations, firms have scaled back new investment.两个季度的期望落空后,公司纷纷缩减了新投资。His disappointment of our wishes showed we could not rely on him.他使我们的愿望落空,这说明我们不能信赖他。The wind mocked their attempts to reach the shore by pushing the boat further and further out to sea.风把船往海里刮得越来越远,使他们靠岸的努力落空Book early to avoid disappointment.趁早预订以免落空I was worried that the plan might misfire.我担心这个计划可能要落空A number of good ideas always come to grief.许多好主意总是落空We had intended to go driving around Scotland, but unless I can get my licence we're snookered.我们原打算开车周游苏格兰,但计划可能会落空,除非我能拿到驾照。Opponents of the project went on the attack and defeated the land sale.这个项目的反对者们发起攻击,使土地出售计划落空It's a black comedy of racial prejudice, mistaken identity and thwarted expectations.这是一个关于种族歧视、身份错位和期望落空的黑色喜剧。The company stands to lose if this deal falls through.如果这笔交易落空,公司一定会不保。Their success defies the predictions made by most experts.他们的成功使大多数专家的预测落空She thus confounded expectations yet again.于是她再一次使人们的预期落空The emptiness of his dream made him fretful.梦想的落空使他十分苦恼。His ambition to become a pilot was thwarted by poor eyesight.他当飞行员的理想因为视力差而落空You really think we have a snowflake's chance?你当真认为我们的希望会落空吗?




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