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词汇 abyss
例句 She pulled herself out of the dark abyss of her sorrow.她从悲痛的黑暗深渊努力自拔。He crawled to peer over the edge of the abyss.他爬向深渊边缘凝神向下看。I stood at the edge of the cliff and gazed down into the yawning/gaping abyss. 我站在悬崖边缘,凝望着下面见不到底的深渊。In the dream, I was falling and falling in a bottomless abyss.在梦中我掉啊掉啊,一直落入无底的深渊。His party was staring into the abyss.他的政党正面临无尽的深渊。One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss.在这座山上一失足便会跌入万丈深渊。The country might plunge into the abyss of economic ruin.这个国家也许会陷入经济崩溃的危险境地。She was pulled down into an abyss of despair.她坠入了绝望的深渊。He was plunged into an abyss of despair.他栽进了绝望的深渊。He felt he was on the edge of an abyss; one false move and he was done for.他觉得如临深渊,一步不慎便会永劫不复。The company was on the brink of a financial abyss.公司已濒临财政危机的绝境。He felt he was on the edge of an abyss; one false move and he was finished.他觉得自己在深渊的边缘,一步不慎就会完蛋。Matthew found himself standing at the edge of a deep abyss.马修发现自己站在一个万丈深谷的边缘。The city was skirting the abyss of financial ruin.该市正处于财政崩溃的边缘。He says that there is a widening abyss between the rich and the poor.他说贫富之间的差距正在拉大。How big is the abyss between what you think you are and what you actually are?你对自己的认识和真实的你之间差别到底有多大?The country was on the brink of an abyss.国家处在深渊的边缘。




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