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词汇 药片
例句 You shouldn't take the pills on an empty stomach.你不该空肚子吃这些药片His doctor told him not to drink any alcohol while he was taking the tablets.医生告诉他服用这种药片时不能喝酒。They gave her some tablets to kill the pain.他们给她一些药片来止痛。They had the tablets analysed.他们将药片进行了化验。He took/had an overdose of pills.他服用了过量的药片Her throat was so swollen that she couldn't get the tablets down.她喉咙肿得很厉害,吞不下药片She dissolved the pills.她把药片溶解了。The pills gave her some relief.药片减轻她一些痛苦。He's come off the tablets because they were making him dizzy.因为那些药片让他昏昏欲睡,他停用了。These pills don't normally have any unpleasant side-effects.这种药片一般不会有不良的副作用。The pill itself has changed a lot since it first came onto the market.药片本身自首次进入市场以来已经有了很大改变。You need smaller pills that go down more easily.你需要小一点的药片,那会更容易吞下。The pills are designed to override your body's own hormones.这些药片用以调节人体自身的荷尔蒙分泌。Keep taking the tablets.继续服用这种药片Clutching her aspirins, she started to push through the thronging shoppers towards the door.她手抓着阿司匹林药片,挤过购物的拥挤人群,走向门口。Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.糖衣掩盖了药片的苦味。I've only got a week's supply of tablets left.药片我只剩下一周的量了。He tried to end his life by taking an overdose of pills.他曾试图服用过量药片来结束自己的生命。In the tests, half the people were given dummy tablets.在这些试验中,半数人服用的是安慰剂药片I've been taking these pills for three days, but so far they've had no effect.这种药片我服用了三天,但到目前为止尚未见效。A few grains of the tablet are left at the bottom of the glass.玻璃杯的底部还留着几粒药片She washed two yellow tablets down with a swallow of water.她喝一口水,吞服两粒黄色药片She quickly downed the pills I gave her.她迅速吞下了我给她的药片The pill works by suppressing your appetite.药片通过抑制食欲起作用。She dissolved the tablet in a glass of water.她将药片溶解在一杯水中。Try these pills if you can't sleep at night.你要是夜里无法入睡就试试这些药片It takes half an hour for the medication to kick in.药片半小时后药力开始显现。Tracy gives her children vitamin pills to supplement their diet.特蕾西给孩子们服用维生素药片以补充他们饮食中的营养。I can give you some tablets that will ease the symptoms, but they're not a cure.我可以给你一些减轻症状的药片,但不能治本。Medical opinion varies on how many tablets it takes to overdose.关于服用多少药片属于用药过量在医学上众说纷纭。They had their tablets analysed to find out whether they were getting the real drug or not.他们将药片拿去化验以查明他们得到的是否是真药。The tablets were identical in size, shape, and colour.这些药片的大小、形状和颜色都一样。If you drink some water it will make the pills easier to swallow.喝点水,药片就更容易咽下去。The package says you shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery after taking these pills.包装上说服用此药片后不可开车或操作重型机器。The tablet had knocked her out for four solid hours.药片让她昏睡了足足四个小时。The tablets colour the urine a bright yellow.这种药片会使尿液呈现亮黄色。Take the pills as directed by your doctor.遵照医嘱服用这些药片Are these tablets water-soluble?这些药片能溶于水吗?You shouldn't drive after taking these pills - they can make you drowsy.你服了这些药片后不应开车,这些药片会使你昏昏欲睡。These pills should relieve his suffering for a couple of hours.这些药片应该能够使他的痛苦缓解几个小时。




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