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词汇 草图
例句 I'll just block in the main buildings.我就画个主要楼房的草图The builder did a rough sketch of how the new stairs would look.建筑工人画了张新楼梯草图She made a drawing of my house.她给我的房子画了一张草图He showed me a few roughs of the new building.他给我看了新楼的几幅草图I have blocked in a plan of the house but have given no details.我已画出房子的草图,但尚未标出细节。The pencil is near the pile of roughs.铅笔就在一叠草图旁。The architect did a sketch of how the building will look when it's finished.建筑师画了一张建筑建成后的效果草图Usually we ask for a draft in duplicate.我们通常要求草图一式两份。I'm supposed to present roughs in just over a week.我得在短短一周之后把草图交上去。Igave him a revised working drawing showing greater detail.我给了他一张修改过的比较可行的草图,展示了更详细的细节。It often helps to make a rough sketch showing where the vehicles were.画一个简略的草图标示车辆当时所在的位置往往很有用。When the sketching was finished, he was relieved.草图画完后,他才算松了口气。He made a rough sketch of the house.他画出了这所房子的草图The sketch should be a kind of rehearsal for the eventual painting.草图应该是最终绘画的某种演练。This sketch will give you a rough idea of what the house looks like.这幅草图会使你对这所房子的外观有一个大致的了解。I have blocked out a plan of the house but have given no details.我已画出房子的草图,但尚未标出细节。Ben took out his pen and produced a quick but very competent sketch of the building.本拿出笔来,很快就画出了一幅不错的大楼草图He drafted the model of the atomic engine.他画了原子发动机模型草图The chair she had sketched was far bigger than stipulated in the design brief.她绘出的椅子草图比设计指示中规定的大得多。I've roughed out a few sketches for you.我为你画了几幅草图She's a slow and methodical worker, and her drawings reflect the extra care she takes.她做事缓慢而有条理,她的草图就反映出她格外用心。This is a rough drawing of the house I want to build.这是我想要建造的房子的草图I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan.我画出店的布局草图,拟订了一份商业计划。He did some rough sketches of the costumes.他画了一些服饰的草图Draw a rough sketch of the dog.画一幅那只狗的草图I'll just rough out the whole picture and you can do the details.我概略地画出草图,你再把细节补上。He made/drew a sketch of his house.他给自己的房子画了张草图Mellor cast an eye over the draft for inaccuracies.梅勒扫了一眼草图看有没有差错。Draw a rough design for a logo.画一个公司标志的草图The rough sketch showed the position of the buildings.这张草图标示了这些建筑物的位置。




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