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词汇 英镑
例句 The pound is expected to continue to increase against most other currencies.英镑对大多数其他货币的汇率有望继续升高。He'd be two pounds a week worse off.他将会每周少拿两英镑The Chancellor said he would cut income tax by 2 pence in the pound.财政大臣说他要按每英镑减低两便士的比率削减所得税。You can convert sterling into the local currency.你可以把英镑换成当地货币。His personal fortune is estimated at £150 million.他的个人财产估计有一亿五千万英镑Try out all-you-can-eat buffet - only £5 per person请尝尝我们的自助餐,随你吃饱,每位只需五英镑The newspaper claims she spent over £50,000 on an official trip to Australia.报上称,在一次官方组织的澳大利亚之行中,她花掉了五万多英镑The monetary unit of the UK is the pound.英国的货币单位是英镑By changing its supplier, the company saved thousands of pounds in import duty.更换供货商后,这个公司省下了数千英镑的进口税。It's a pound for a small glass of wine, which is pathetic.英镑只能买一小杯红酒,真让人反感。It's about the same thickness as a £1 coin.它的厚度约和一英镑硬币相同。The Treasury had been blaming the pound's weakness on the backwash from the falling dollar.财政部一直将英镑的疲软归咎于美元贬值。I bought them for a pound apiece, near enough.我几乎是以一英镑一件的价钱买下了它们。The pound was weak against the dollar.英镑对美元的汇率疲软。The Treasury had been blaming the pound's weakness on the backwash from the falling dollar.财政部一直在把英镑的走弱归咎于美元贬值的影响。We used to get paid £2 a week. That was a lot of money in those days.我们过去的薪水是一周两英镑,那时候这可是一大笔钱。Finance ministers and central bankers agreed to cooperate closely to sustain the strength of the pound.财长和中央银行家同意紧密合作,保持英镑的坚挺。She defrauded her employers of thousands of pounds.她从雇主那里骗取了数千英镑You can hardly be held responsible for Darrow waltzing in, cool as a cucumber, and demanding thousands of pounds.达罗不慌不忙、大摇大摆地走进来,索要几千英镑,这跟你一点关系都没有。I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths to avoid paying me a few pounds.我知道有的客户想尽办法不付我几英镑,简直到了可笑的地步。A pullback in the pound from morning highs contributed to the gilts' weakness.英镑价格从早晨高点的下滑造成了金边证券的疲软。One pound is roughly equal to two dollars.英镑大约相当于两美元。The dollar dropped sharply against the pound.美元兑英镑的汇率骤降。The pound has strengthened against other currencies.英镑对其他货币的比值上升了。My piano teacher charges £9 for a half hour class.我的钢琴老师一堂半小时的课收费九英镑The pound plunged to a new low on foreign exchange markets yesterday.在昨天的外汇市场上,英镑突然跌到新低。The Pound would be devalued, we were told.我们被告知英镑将会贬值。The pound continued to sag despite four interventions by the Bank of England.尽管英格兰银行四次出手干预,但英镑走势依旧疲软。The Finnmark is not a reserve currency like the British pound.芬兰马克不是像英镑那样的储备货币。Thousands of pounds worth of drugs were seized in dawn raids yesterday.警方在昨天的凌晨突袭中缴获了价值数千英镑的毒品。They stole thousands of pounds' worth of goods in a two-day shoplifting spree.他们在两天的疯狂行窃中从商店偷取了价值数千英镑的商品。Try and wheedle a few extra pounds out of him.争取哄骗他多给几英镑He had siphoned thousands of pounds a week from the failing business.他一周之内从这家濒临破产的企业里抽走了数千英镑的资金。He converted his dollars into pounds upon arriving in London.他一到伦敦就把美元兑换成英镑He said the over-valuation of sterling was throttling industry.他说,英镑价值过高阻碍了工业发展。The government was ready to let the pound sink to parity with the dollar if necessary.政府准备在必要时让英镑降到和美元平价。I need to change my pounds into dollars.我需要把我的英镑换成美元。On the foreign-exchange markets the pound remained strong.外汇市场上英镑保持坚挺。The pound held its value against the euro.英镑保持与欧元的比价不变。He was 50 pounds out of pocket by the transaction.他在那次交易中赔了五十英镑




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