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The monarchy remains British, it cannot be otherwise.这一君主政体仍是英国式的,也不可能不是这样。Her voice was soft, its accent English.她声音柔和,发音是英国式的。His voice was cultured and unmistakably English.他说话的声音很有修养,毫无疑问是英国式的。He could seldom resist an opportunity to cock a snook at traditional English life.他从来不放过对传统的英国式生活表示轻蔑的机会。A suit in the English style might pass.穿一套英国式西服也许能行。Debilly had no Anglo-Saxon shyness about discussing money.在谈到钱时,德比利毫无英国式的羞涩。Cricket is the archetypal English game.板球是典型的英国式运动。The debate in the mainstream press has been a classic example of British hypocrisy.主流媒体上的辩论是英国式虚伪的典型例子。The British brand of socialism was more interested in reform than revolution.英国式的社会主义更加注重改革,而不是革命。They plan to recreate a typical English village in Japan.他们计划在日本再现一个典型的英国式村庄。Her English was the most British-accented.她操的是最纯正的英国式英语。 |