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词汇 get on with
例句 You have to ignore the pinpricks and just get on with the job.你必须放下那些烦心小事,只管继续工作。After an introduction by the chairperson, we'll get on with the day's discussions.由主席给大家作介绍之后,我们将进行今天的讨论。I left her to get on with the task of correcting the errors.我让她自己继续改正错误。Can we just get on with it, huh?.我们能继续干下去吗,啊?She gets on with her job and does it supremely well.她继续她的工作,并且做得非常出色。Stop monkeying around and get on with your work.别再胡闹了,继续你的工作吧。Rescue workers here have little choice but to grit their teeth and get on with the grim task of recovering the bodies.这里的营救人员没有别的选择,只能咬紧牙关继续寻找尸体这个严峻的任务。Come on kids! Simmer down and get on with your work!快点儿,孩子们!安静下来开始做功课!Does she get on with your aunt?她与你的姨母相处得如何?Stop being so bolshie and just get on with it, will you?别那么吵闹个没完了,忍着点,好吗?Fred gets on with the job of transplanting young brassica plants.弗雷德继续进行移植芸苔幼苗的工作。I wish we could get on with the job. I hate all this hanging about.我希望我们能继续把工作干下去,我不喜欢这么干等。We'll just have to bite the bullet and get on with it.我们只能咬紧牙关,继续做这件事。Idon't wish to be rude, but I need to get on with my work now.我无意冒犯,不过我现在需要开始工作了。I wish you'd make an effort to get on with my friends.我希望你能尽量和我的朋友们合得来。I'd better leave you to get on with it.那我还是让你一个人接着干吧。There was nothing left for the teams to do but get on with the business of racing.运动队没有什么剩下的事可做了,只需要继续赛跑。Just as we were beginning to get on with each other again, Jackie came and stirred things up.就在我们再和好起来的时候,杰姬来挑拨了一下。There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.困难是会有的,但我们一定要咬牙坚持下去。Stop messing around - just get on with it!别闲混了一快点做吧!People will talk, but you have to get on with your life.人们会有议论,但日子还得过下去。You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and just get on with your life. 你就不要自怨自艾了,继续过自己的生活吧。I was able to get on with my work without interruption.我可以不受打扰地继续我的工作了。I don't get on with his lefty friends.我和他的左翼朋友合不来。Do shut up, Georgia, and get on with your homework.赶快闭嘴吧,乔治娅,赶紧写作业吧。It's no good living in the past. You have to get on with your life.沉浸在过去没有好处。你得继续生活下去。Once the fuss has blown over, we'll be able to get on with work as usual.等骚动一平息,我们就能正常工作了。I'll just shut up and let you get on with it.我不说了,你继续。I get on with Frank very well on a personal level, but we just can't work together!我和弗兰克私人感情很好,但我们就是没法共事!Stop pratting around and get on with your work!哎呀,别瞎闹了,继续工作吧!I suppose I could get on with the ironing while I'm waiting.我想我在等候时还可以继续熨衣服。The sooner we finish the speeches, the sooner we can get on with the celebration.讲话结束得越早,我们就能越早进行庆祝活动。Stop fooling around and get on with your work.别吊儿郎当了,继续干活吧。Stop playing about and get on with doing your homework.别再胡闹了,做你的家庭作业去。Sometimes you just have to suck it up and get on with the job.有时候你就得忍着,继续干你的活儿。Now go away and let me get on with my work in peace.现在出去,让我安安静静地继续工作。Stop snivelling and get on with it.别哭鼻子了,继续干吧。Stop procrastinating and get on with your work.别再拖延了,继续干你的活儿吧。The only thing to do was knuckle down and get on with some serious hard work.唯一能做的就是开始努力工作,好好干出点儿成绩来。She wanted to decorate her room, so I just let her get on with it.她想把自己的房间装修一下,所以我就让她自己搞去。




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